Chapter 19: Peace Is Restored

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Soon enough, all of the Autobots were all gathered in the Autobot base, and they were being examined and tended to, having their wounds mended to, along with their human allies. Luckily, almost all of the humans that were involved in the final battle had survived with somewhat major to very minimal or minor injuries. But, unfortunately, the Autobots were not so lucky. They had lost Cliffjumper, an Autobot Warrior, along with Chromia, one of Arcee's sisters and fellow fighters, Hot Rod, a rookie 'Bot, and in addition, they sadly lost Aftershock Alex.

When Aftershock was leading some Decepticons across Iacon and through some of the buildings, he managed to leap through a few buildings, making some of them crash behind him, but before he got to leap through a third building and raced away, he was blasted to pieces by a Thermo Rocket Launcher from a Sniper, and this extinguished the AutoCon's Spark, and tore him apart.

"Braedimus." Clipper walked up, with the remains of the Tesla Roadster AutoCon in his hands. Clipper had some damage across his form, but he was okay. "I'm afraid we couldn't save him. His Spark was gone by the time we had found him."

"I'm very sorry, Clipper." Braedimus apologised to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. Then, he looked to the many humans and Autobots that were around them in the medical bay. "We had lost great comrades in this final battle." He spoke up, getting other's attention. "But, we had gained new allies and new friends." He looked to them all. "I thank you. Every single one of you. You honour us all with your bravery, loyalty, and you honour me mostly by risking your life, not just for our home planet, but for your own planet as well."

Many soldiers and medics clapped in praise to the Transformers King, as others cheered out to him. Daphne felt like she had seen a new change in Braedimus' personality. He has become greater than he has before, and more devoted to be greater than before.

"Braedimus." Fred spoke up, walking with a chain lease in his hand, and with someone on the end of the chain. It was the doppelgänger Daphne, and she had a white gag around her mouth to stop her yelling. "I had found this little troublemaker trying to make a run for it outside of Iacon with some supplies of Energon and medical gear, but I managed to catch her."

"I see

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"I see." Braedimus nodded, eyeing the copy of his wife, who was trying to act like like she didn't do it. "Take her over to the Kaon Prison Complex. From there, she will be interrogated by Soundwave and Laserbeak."

"Right." Fred nodded. "Okay, purple head. Let's go." With that, Fred yanked on the chains, pulling the purple hair Daphne behind him, heading off to the prison complex.

Bumblebee then walked up to the Transformers King, looking like he needed to say something. He oddly cleared his throat, and to everyone's shock...

"Permission to speak, sir?"

Everyone, human and Cybertronian, all stopped in shock and amazement, and looked at the young Scout with wide eyes and optics. Did Bumblebee just speak?? And in his own voice?

"Permission granted, old friend." Braedimus replied.

"Bumblebee can speak now?" Velma asked in shock.

"I wish to stay on Earth with the humans." Bumblebee replied, standing to attention in front of the King.

"If that is their choice." Braedimus nodded, then he looked over to his human allies.

"Yes." Daphne nodded. "I would wish for Bumblebee to stay with us on Earth." She then turned to Optimus. "By your permission, Optimus Prime." She asked.

"I will allow Bumblebee to stay on Earth." Optimus replied to the redhead, and she nodded to him.

"Thank you." Bumblebee beeped gently, then he had an idea. He transformed into his vehicle mode, and ever so suddenly, A glow next to the Urbana 500 then caught the team's attention. The glow took a humanoid form before it exploded into tiny blue sparks. Now, sitting on the hood of the muscle car was a young kid - probably at eighteen or nineteen - with a head of messy blonde hair and baby blue eyes. He had a dimpled boyish grin, black skinny jeans, a yellow-and-black checkered belt, and a bright yellow shirt with the Autobot emblem stitched in with black. He wore black Converse with yellow shoe laces. He is graced with lean muscles, his voice is deep, not as deep as Optimus's, but is deep for a teenager.

"Yo! How's it goin'?" Bumblebee asked Jacinta, who looked rather surprised, but nodded to the Scout.

"Yo! If it's a party we're havin', at least tell me." A voice called out. Daphne turned on her heel, and she saw a man lean against Jazz's vehicle mode, a Porsche 911 racer. Eventually, Ironhide and Ratchet activated their human forms, after transforming into their vehicle forms; Ironhide having a heavy duty truck-like vehicle.

Jazz was a tall, lean and dark-skinned looking man. His hair is black and ends an inch below his shoulders.

Ironhide's Holoform looks like what one would expect if he were human. He stood five-eleven, six-foot even; compared to the other Autobots, who had lean muscles, Ironhide was a little more bulky. He had a scar running down his left eye and short, spiky black hair. He had a look of intimidation that probably came naturally to him. Someone one wouldn't want to get into a fight with.

Ratchet looks like a guy who's probably in mid-forties. He has brown hair peppered with grey. He has a shadow of stubble as well, but was far enough along to look more like a beard.


A few days after he final battle, the humans were ready to go back home to Earth. As they do so, their United Nations and heads of government have now created the 'Autobot/Human Alliance', connecting the Transformers home planet with Planet Earth.

All of the humans that had assisted the Decepticons had been locked up and thrown away into some of the world's most secure and sophisticated prisons and penitentiaries, and were given life sentences for their actions. Also, any and all weapons, including nuclear weapons, that the Russians and the North Koreans possess have been removed and had been disposed of properly, making sure that no more wars could occur on Cybertronian or Earth's soil ever again, and more sophisticated security systems have been implemented across the world. Decepticon scanners now guard the streets and cities of all major and minor places across the world. Long-range defence systems watch the skies. And most importantly, Vehicons have been tasked to be undercover police and squad cars.

At the same time, a specialised SpaceBridge tunnel has been constructed on both sides of the Galaxy, connecting both Earth and Cybertron together in a way so humans and Cybertronians can travel to both planets easily and effectively, and without wasting so much Energon flying with starships and cruisers. Now, both planets can reach one another through the main portal, and they can both enjoy life on both sides of the galaxy.

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