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We made a deal with the prisoners that if they give us half of their supply , then we'll teach them to kill walkers.

We head cell block c carrying bags and sacks of supplies. Carl and Glenn help me carry the sacks. Then Glenn pulled me to the corner of the prison.

"Who are you sharing your cell with?" I asked

"Maggie, she just forced me. Why?" He asked

"Tell me why did you do that?" I asked him

"Do what ?" He asked

"Maggie pushed me outside the corridors when we are being chase by walkers and you didn't do anything about it" I stated crossing my arms

"I didn't do that, I tried to stop her but she closed the door and kiss me" he stated

"What?! She kissed you!" I yelled

"Where is she? I want to talk to her!" I try to find Maggie and I enter her cell she was sitting

I pulled her hair and pull her outside the cell. I slammed her on the wall and choke her. glenn tried to pull me away but i refuse. 

"if you don't love her you shouldn't let her kiss you!" i yelled to glenn and slap him

"it just happened, its not my fault she just pulled me in and kiss me" glenn pulled me off maggie

"you almost killed me ! and if i didn't get there on time your father should be eaten by that monsters!" i yelled and slap her across the face and walk to carl and I cell.

"Hey what happened?" He asked rubbing my back

"Does it matter?" I asked through my teeth.

"I guess" he Stated still rubbing my back

"Let's just go to sleep" I stated pulling him with me.

"Okay" he said and pull blanket on both of us and lay down.

We sleep through out the day and just forget that the cheating thing that happened.

I woke up and Carl is still asleep so I didn't wake him up. I slowly get out in bed and talk to Glenn. I walk to the corridor and hear mysterious sound coming from Glenn's cell. I walk inside inside and see Glenn and Maggie making out.

"Next time lock your door!" I storm off

"Y/n its not what you think" Glenn stated

"Oh so you think I'm blind. I saw it with my own eyes!" I yelled and run off ,Glenn catching up to me.

"What do you think your doing! Cheating on me again! Is that what you want! To hurt me again" I yelled and cry in front of Glenn.

"I didn't started it" he said

"I think you don't even love me! One time I was lost for 10 days and you  quickly replace me " I yelled

"I love you. And I'm not the one doing this its Maggie . she's just forcing me to do it to make you jealous" he replied

"I didn't think you can do this to me! I fall in love to the wrong guy. The Glenn I know can not do this to a girl that he loves " I states whispering to the last part

"I'm sorry, I've done that and I will never do that again" he said hugging me tightly

"I c-" I was cut off by him kissing me roughly. I kissed back but not that passionate. I pulled away and look at his coffee brown eyes.

"Please forgive me" he whispered.

"But promise me , you will never gonna go near to that b*tch again, got it?" I stated  , he nod and kiss me again

"Wanna join me later , we'll guard through the guard tower." He asked with a smirk

"Yeah sure" I stated smiling

"Got ta go" he said racing to Rick.

I walk back to carl and i's cell and see he's reading a comic

"I heard you and Maggie crying. Is there something wrong?" He asked

"That's not important" I stated and flop to the bed.

"Tell me " he stated

"Well. I saw them making out and I yelled at them and storm off" I stated chuckling at myself

"Well are you and glenn okay ?" He asked

"Yeah , he asked me if I can go with him in the guard towel later. Its that okay with you?" I asked

"Yeah that's okay but I'll have more of that chocolate of yours" he chuckled.

"Get how much you want but beware of stomach ache" I laugh

After talking none stop, it about time to go to the guard tower. I stand up and say good by to carl and give him more chocolates from my back pack

I start to walk to guard tower . when I saw Maggie and her give me a evil glare then I give her a finger. She stands there speech less than I just did that. I have arrive to the tower and climb up. I saw Glenn and he smirks and come closer to me.

I feel his lips connected to mine and his both hands on my waist. I put my hands on his neck pulling him closer to me. Then he pulled away

"I love you y/n, I will never leave you alone" he smiled.

"I love you too Glenn" I kissed him again last time and sit on the cold metallic floor.

He lay down first and I put my head on his chest and hear his heart beat.

"Good night Glenn I love you" I stated and snuggling to his body even more

"Good night y/n and I love you more" he kissed my head and I closed my eyes.

I feel his arms wrap around my waist. I drifted to sleep as I listen to his heart beat. I never feel the same way with Glenn though. He was change by that stupid brat . I will love him though.

I still wonder if there's a cure to stop this virus . I want a better life than this. I want my old life back when my brothers and I laugh at each other and enjoying my job. And most of all to see my favorite pizza delivered to my door step by a cute and attractive pizza boy named Glenn Rhee.

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