Get comfortable

52 9 13

Because I'm about to complain about the last two days

So yesterday my whole grade was dragged into a one hour bus ride to a college we didn't care about and pretend to listen to people talk for four hours. Then they gave us all free food and we drove one hour back. That sucked. I was literally talking with myself all day. Just me and my brain. And I'm pretty boring.
Then I came home like "thank GOOOOOD IM DOnE"
I wish
So now my brother has a track meet and my parents dragged me there even though it was freezing out and I was shivering (got caribou tho)
That lasts over an hour and a half so I was finally done
Now my brother had a band concert on the same night
We didn't even stop home
At least the band concert was better than the track meet because my brother got a solo and he was actually doing stuff this time (plus it was warm)
But omg I just about lost my sanity
And then I got home at 8:30 so I couldn't start anything outside
Then nothing went my way for the rest of the day
Oh yeah on top of all of that I GOT SICK
So last night I barley slept and was very late to shower this morning
So today I accomplished...
-Learning nothing in social studies (loose term, don't want y'all to find me grade)
-Suffering behind a tall person and one of the most boring pep fests I've ever been to
-Doing absolutely nothing in gym (I sat against the wall the whole time I'm still mad)
-not being able to complete a map test in math
-getting a lot of estimation questions in said math test, meaning I suck
-Craving death during lunch
-failing a biomed quiz
-having to finish my group's entire assignment over the weekend
-Definetly failing an annotation article thing in English
-coming home to my dad mowing the whole lawn and me feeling bad about being useless and sick
-Starting Destiny 3 years after it was released
-watching YouTube for hours
-failing biomed quiz a second time (he said I could retake it one more time when I got home)
-Finally finding weakness in me and sobbing for five minutes because the last two days and also hormones

I'm gonna go scream at my laptop

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