Wo m8

34 11 3

My brain is all over the place rn
I should be sleeping like a smart homan
But I not so ye

Have yet another MC sketch

Fangpai and I playing bedwars (the beST MINIGAME EVER) (also no lenny faces stop)

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Fangpai and I playing bedwars (the beST MINIGAME EVER) (also no lenny faces stop)

Also me reking skrubs

Eat my duSTAnd I usually suck at racing games (except for Mario kart) so this is an accomplishment for meI fite my brother (3rd) and his fren (2nd)

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Eat my duST
And I usually suck at racing games (except for Mario kart) so this is an accomplishment for me
I fite my brother (3rd) and his fren (2nd)

Swagpi Attempts Average Existence (art and random 4)Where stories live. Discover now