What I Can Do

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everyone headed downstairs for dinner. we walk down to the main floor and then pass the kitchen to the dining room. when we opened the door the aroma of cooked chicken and spaghetti hit our faces. we all sit down. 

on the table there was a gigantic bowl of spaghetti and meat balls. next to it there was a plate with garlic bread piled high up. everyone had a plate placed in front of them and a bowl of salad on the side.

"you'd be surprised at how much the boys eat so us girls get first pick!" Tessa tells us triumphantly and i cheer!

"FOOD!" i cry!

the boys groan in dissapointment.

i grab the spaghetti bowl and put some spaghetti on my plate and hand it to Tessa who thanks me and then i grab 2 pieces of garlic bread and put it on the side. i pass that to Tessa and then i grab the salad dressing and pour some in. then i dig in. the food tasted HEAVENLY. the spaghetti was cooked just right and the sauce was just right too. not too spicy not too sweet. the garlic bread was still warm when i took a bite of it. i swooned over the garlic bread.  once i finished that i ate the salad and finished off my sprite. i finished the same time the boys and Tessa did.

"i'm gonna pack up so if u guys would mind waiting 5 minutes that be great." i say

"no, no, no! u don't have to pack up! Elise will! Elise! pack this up will u?" Tessa says.

"yes, Tessa" Elise says.

"fine then. i'll help." i say and before anyone could protest i grab all the plates and stacked them together and then i placed them on my arms. i place the spaghetti bowl and the rest of the plates in there and put those on my head. then i grab all the cups and strutted to the kitchen keeping my balance. Elise ran after me.

"Elise where is the dishwasher?" i ask Elise

"over there Ms. Wornsvy" she says pointing at the black metal door right underneath the sink. i mentally slap myself for not seeing the obvious. this whole kitchen is white granite and spotless and i couldn't see a dishwasher that was pitch black that was right in front of me.

"sorry. and please don't call me Ms.Wornsvy. it makes me feel old and i'm 17.my name's Jade."

she chuckles and says,"alright Jade."

i open the dishwasher and in 1 swift motion i place all the plates, cups and utensils in their right place. then i walk out to find everyone whispering. Neal's watching me with curious eyes. i smile at him and ask,"what's everyone whispering about?"

"nothing" they reply together


Neal's P.O.V.

"wow. she's fast and good at that." i say

"yeah. i wonder what else she can do." Zach says.

i can't wait to see her do other things.

"here she comes." Zach says.

she surveys the room and catches me staring at her and gives me a smile. she asks,"what's everyone whispering about?"

"nothing" we all reply together.


Jade's P.O.V.

"so where are we going now?" i ask.

"to the basement. u can do about anything there." Tessa says

"lets go!" i say.

we all get up and walk to the basement in silence. when we get there i'm in awe. it's huge! it was split up into all these different sections. in 1 section there is a punching bag hanging there with gloves strewn everywhere. there was also a ring. we walk in and i wrap my hands with protective tape and then i do some stretching excercises. after 7 minutes of stretching i walk over to the punching bag and hop on my toes and then i move back and do a left kick in its side. the bag shook at my force. then i punch its front right. i duck low and then i left upper cut it. i right kick it and duck low again and left right. i kick it in the gut and punch it 1 more time and with the combine force it fell to the ground. i take off my gloves and wipe the sweat off my face. i turn around and everyone was in awe at me.

"what?" i ask

"wow" was all i got. i rolled my eyes and take off the protective tape. i move on to the next station smiling while everyone else walks behind me in a daze. yeah i do that to people whenever i show them my talents. the next station was archery. i love archery. i grab a bow and sling a sheath behind my back and reach for an arrow. i grab one and aim. i release it hits a bulls-eye. i cheer and turn around smiling triumphantly at the crowd who are gaping at me. i take off the sheath and bow and stride to the next section. it was basketball. i grabbed the ball and dribble the ball around the court and shoot. SWISH! i grab the ball and do a slam dunk. i place the ball back and head to the next station. it was filled with junk that doesn't work. i grabbed the tool kit and grabbed a computer. i work on it for a while and then i place down the screwdriver and press the on button. the screen powered to life.

"no one could fix that computer! how did u do that?" asked Liam

"that's for me to know and u to find out....." i say with a smirk

we moved on t the next section. it was embroidary. the one thing i hate yet i do so well.

"ugh! i hate embroidary! but i'm so good at it!" i grumble

"really? can u show me?" Tessa asks

i sigh. "sure" i say.

in 10 minutes i finished embroidering and showed Tessa. it was a boy and a girl in a meadow walking.

"wow! that's so beautiful! u did that so quickly too! i'm really impressed!" Tessa gushed

"thanks" i mutter.

and that was how it was with every other section there was. my favourites were the dancing, archery, boxing, and singing. they were surprised that i could play instruments and sing like Neal. we went out and headed to the stables. they gave me a black stallion called Midnight. i stroked it and they taught me how to saddle it and then led me to a course. i got on Midnight and started riding. there were some poles Midnight had to jump over. she jumped over the first one, second one, third one and then she galloped around the course back to Tessa. they were staring at me with their jaws on the floor.

"awww! come on! did i really do that bad? i thought i did really good too!" i yell

"no sweet heart! u did amazing! even the boys couldn't ride their horses like u did on their first try! u do everything so well!" Tessa stated.

"really?" i whisper looking away

"yeah! and don't think otherwise!" Liam said

Michael wolfwhistled and said, "wow. your AMAZING!"

i blushed and looked away. i grab Midnight by her reins and walk with her to the stable. i place her away and kiss her. i walk back out and headed upstairs to sleep. i'm so tired and tomorrow i' m going to school. OH SHOOT! school!

"Tessa our school doesn't have a uniform does it?" i ask

"Nope. a limo will pick u up and drop u off tomorrow. your alarm has been set to wake u up at 7:00 am because school starts at 8:30 am" Tessa replied

"alright" i say. i head back to my room and change. after changing to a hearts pj suit i fall on my bed and instantly fall asleep.

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