Chapter One

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Dedicated to bethyl49 for commenting on my other Bethyl stories

Beth awoke early in the morning to the sound of crying coming from a baby monitor. She got up and headed out of her room and into the next room to get eight month old Giovanni. She smiled at him standing up, holding on to the rail.

"Good morning Giovanni, how was your sleep?" She asked.

"Mama" he said letting go of the rail to  reach for her making him fall on his butt. Beth reached down and picked him up then took him over to the changing table and changed his diaper.

After changing his diaper she got him dressed before picking him up and leaving the room. She opened the door across from Giovanni's and went inside. She went over to one of the twins beds and woke up Nixon, you never want to wake up Royal first because she isn't a morning person and she will throw a fit. You wake up Nixon first because he is a morning person and knows how to wake up his twin sister, they are not identical twins they are fraternal twins but that means nothing cause they are the opposite of each other but they work well together. Nixon and Royal are her lively six year olds who make her stay on her toes.

"Nixon, time to wake up" she said quietly. Nixon opened his eyes and groaned before sitting up and rubbing his eyes. Beth leaned down and kissed his head before leaving the room letting him deal with Royal. She then went to each room and woke up her kids before heading downstairs to make breakfast for twelve kids.

Beth sighed and remembered how seven months ago she ended up with twelve kids. She had been volunteering at an orphanage for almost a year and had come to know the kids very well. She loved it there and was heartbroken when she was told that they would be closing the orphanage because the building was being torn down. They had about two months to find all of the kids good homes or they would be thrown out on the streets. They found most of the kids homes except for eleven kids. Beth, who was from a wealth family couldn't let them be thrown out so she adopted all eleven of them and took them home. Everything was good until Marley, her fifteen year old daughter told Beth that there was a baby on the porch. Beth rushed to the porch to see that there was indeed a one month old baby outside. Beth decided to keep it and named him Giovanni.

The story is kinda slow at first cause I don't want to rush it. Sorry if its too slow for you

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