Chapter Seven

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"Hey" Daryl said.

"Hello Mr. Dixon" Beth said.

"His name is Daryl, Mom" Sawyer shouted from behind Daryl.

"Young lady, you are in enough trouble so don't start with me." Beth said looking over Daryl's shoulder to glare at Sawyer. She then looked at Daryl and sighed. "Thank you for watching them if you want I can take Sawyer back with me."

"No it's okay, I can handle them." He said.

"Okay, here is a bag of their clothes and here is Nolan's permission slip for the zoo, also here is my number if you have any questions." Beth said handing him two bags of Nolan and Sawyer's clothes, a permission slip and a piece of paper with her number. "Oh and thank you for taking care of my children."

"You're welcome" he said. Beth smiled then looked over his shoulder again and her smile widened.

"Just to let you know, Sawyer is an evil master mind and Nolan just follows her lead so be careful of that." She said before turning and leaving. Daryl closed the door and walked past the kids and up the stairs before turning left and went down the hall towards the guest bedroom. He opened the door and set the bags down before leaving. He headed back downstairs to see Sawyer and Nolan talking quietly on the couch.

"Have you guys finished your homework?" He asked making them look up.

"Yes" they said.

"Let me see it and put this in your backpack." He said. Nolan grabbed the permission slip and put it in his back pack before pulling his homework out. They handed their homework to him to check and once checked he gave it back to them and they put it away.

"So we are curious about you and want to ask you some questions." Sawyer said.

"Okay, if I can ask you guys some questions about you?" He answered.

"Okay" Nolan said.

"Ladies first" Sawyer said as Nolan opened up a folded piece of paper, grabbed a pencil and a book to write  on from his backpack.

"How long have you had those questions?" He asked.

"Since we found out we had a new neighbor." Nolan said as they sat down on the couch while Daryl took the seat across from them.

"Okay" he said.

"How old are you?" Sawyer asked.

"I'm fourty" he said. "How old are you guys?"

"I'm twelve and Nolan is eleven." Sawyer said. "Do you have siblings if so how many?"

"I have two, an older brother and younger sister." He said. "Do you guys always ask strange men questions about their personal lives?"

"No, but we like you and you seem like a good guy from what Roman, Marley and Ireland say about you." Nolan said. "What do you like to do on your day off?"

"Ride my motorcycle and hanging out with friends." He said.

"Cool, can I see it" Nolan asked.

"Maybe some other time" he said. "What's your guys story?"

"What do you mean?" Sawyer asked.

"I mean, how did you end up at the orphanage, you don't have to tell me." He said.

"My birth parents left me at a hospital when I was born because I have a congenital heart disease, they ù⁵gave me a name then left." Nolan said.

"My birth mother was a stripper and she drank to much, she also hated me because of my dad, he was a jerk who used my mom. When I was six she drove to the orphanage and told me to get out so I did but I turned and flipped her off first." Sawyer said.

"You have got spunk kid." He said.

"Yeah well when you have taken care of yourself since you were twelve you kinda learn to not care what others think of you." Sawyer said.

"I bet" he said.

"What's your story?" Sawyer said.

"Well I was born in Atlanta, Georgia, like you I basically raised myself since I was ten. I got myself through high school and college and got my degree in teaching." He said.

"So you aren't close to your family?" Nolan asked.

"Nope, most of my family wants me to do bad things and I refused knowing there was something better to do then get into trouble with the law." Daryl said. "Anymore questions?"

"Yes, why don't you have a wife?" Sawyer asked.

"Haven't found the right one yet" he said.

"Do you believe in soulmates?" Nolan asked.

"I guess I do" he said as Nolan's watch went off. Nolan grabbed his backpack and grabbed his medication while Daryl went and got him a glass of water, Nolan took it and thanked him before swallowing the pill he took out of the pill box with some water.

"One more question, do you want kids?" Sawyer said.

"Sure" he said.

"Cool, can we order pizza?" She asked.

"Sure" he said before pulling out his phone. As he pulled up the app for Pizza Hut he swore heard Sawyer say to Nolan did you get it all then he swore he heard Nolan say yup.

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