Chapter Two

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Third Pov

"I don't want to hear your complaining! You must train" The Altean princess yells at the four teens who were currently laying about the training room. "Give us a break were only kids" Pidge huffs sitting up to throw Allura a glare. "Just kids. I knew a girl who at the age of ten was assigned to be my fathers head guard. By the age of sixteen she was a legend among or people due to all the Galra ships she laid to waste. She was the elite of elite. She was just a kid" Allura states with pride in her voice. "If she's such an elite guard why isn't she a paladin" the cuban boy carelessly asks. 

The altean princess's voice noticeably falls causing the paladins to freeze as Coran moves to stand beside his princess. "She fulfilled her duty to Altea. Instead of fleeing she remained by the kings side and fought with him to the very end" Coran murmurs showing the group a sad smile. "I never got to say goodbye. My last words to her were 'I hate you' all because she wouldn't let me out of the palace, even when i knew it was to protect me. She was there when father pushed me into the chamber. She was smiling and crying. I don't think she even knew she was crying" she continued in a sort of daze. "Come princess. I think you should rest" With that Coran lead the distraught princess to her room.

"She was the same age as us, yet she accomplished so much" Pidge murmurs glancing at her fellow paladins. "Guess age isn't an excuse"

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