Chapter Eighteen

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Your Pov

"With the way things are now, we could probably retire early" he chuckles, his chest vibrating with each word. "We could get a house, just for us" he muses dragging his fingertips over my back. "With a big library for all my research, a big garden for you to grow as many juniberry flowers as you want" He grins. "Maybe even an extra bedroom, for when we want to start a family of our own" he smirks, rolling to lay on me. "I was waiting for that" I giggle, placing my hands on his face. "It sounds like a beautiful idea" I grin, brushing back a stray lock of his silver hair. "I can think of one thing that would make it even better though" he grins, turning his head to kiss the palm of my hand. "And what would that be" I muse. "Become my soul bond" He murmurs stroking my face. "R-really?" I squeak. "Only if you want to" He nervously stutters, all previous trace of confidence vanishing to reveal his insecurities. "Nothing would make me happier" I chuckle, throwing my arms around him. "Really" He murmurs grabbing my face in his hands. "Really" I muse. "How did I get so lucky" He grins, kissing my forehead. "That's cheesy" I chuckle screwing up my face. "You love it" he muses. "I do"

Suddenly everything changes. I'm no longer tangled in sheets with Ryker's arms around me. It's dark and cold. The air reeks of blood. "(f/n). Love where are you?" Ryker's panic voice calls from behind me. "Ryker!" I yell running in the direction of his voice. "I'm down here" he calls. Suddenly a wooden door appears before me. "Ryker?" I quietly call pushing open the door, looking down the stairs which lead into an abyss of darkness. "I'm down here" he tauntingly calls. "Ryker, this isn't funny" I seethe making my way down the stairs. "Of course this isn't funny" He weakly responds. "Ryker?" I whisper-shout the moment my feet hit the floor. "Please find me" he weakly calls. "Ryker?" I call wandering through what appears to be a prison. "Find me (f/n)" He Sobs. "Ryker?" I softly calling seeing a slumped form in one of the cells. "You need to kill it" He begs. "He's used my blood, even given it my organs" he sobs inching closer to the bars and out of the shadow. "Promise you'll kill it" He cries finally coming into view. His silver hair was missing in places, his once onyx eyes were now white. His body was coated in blood with large holes all over his body. "What have they done to you" I gasp dropping to my knees. With a shaky hand, I reach through the bars to hold his blood-soaked face. "Oh, my love" I sob, aching to reach through the bars and hug his crumbling form. "It's too late for me. I'm already dead" He chuckles "Its selfish of me but please do this for me" he sighs leaning into my hand. "If you happen to find my body on the way, check my left pocket" He sadly smiles. "I hope you can forgive me for breaking our promise"

A sudden gasp escapes my lips as I launch forward. The first thing, I could make out was a silhouette seated in front of me. "K-Keith" I manage to mumble out resisting the ever growing urge to cry. "I thought about what you said" He unwillingly admits. "Sorry for being pushy" he sighs finally looking up and freezing. "You had another nightmare" He quietly states crawling to sit beside me. "No a vision" I croakily state.

Soul bond - higher/stronger than marriage
Above is a picture of Ryker just imagine him with black eyes.

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