Chapter One: Symphony's Arrival

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Okay so this book is going under some editing as you know. I honestly didn't mean to rhyme Tate and mate it just sorta worked out that way. Anyway hope you enjoy the story.

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Cover made by @ Noctelamia101.


The school was huge and I stared at it. There had to be at least three floors and there were like five or six separate buildings. Obviously at least two of them are the boys and girls doorms. The other buildings though I'm not quite sure about. The one that a ton of kids are going to this early in the morning had to be the dining hall.

"Symphony, don't forget your bag !" Dad called from the 2003 Chevy Malibu, pulling me out of my thoughts. Surprised he spoke I spun around and sighed. Oh he was just telling me to grab my bag so he doesn't have to wait.

"Oh right," I mumbled and opened the back door of the car pulling out my duffel bag. It may have been a little over packed ,but I had to, due to the school's one bag policy. For most people it would have been heavy, but I'm stronger than most people. People also always underestimate how strong I really am. I'm a nice person, but you get on my bad side you get your ass kicked.

Setting my duffel bag down on the concrete I turned to the dark blue Malibu to say bye to my dad, but he was already driving off. Really, what a wonderful father?

"Love yah too dick, oops I mean Dad, " I muttered. Yeah dad has earned my distrust and my burning hate. He's not the father everyone thinks he is. That's fine if he leaves. I can start over at this school. Maybe I'll be lucky enough to never have to see him again.

After glaring after his car I turned back towards the school and I felt my face heat up. This guy, about the same age as me, was watching me curiously. Crap, I feel so embarrassed now, he must have heard and saw all of that. Still, I had to know how much he actually did see.

"Um, Hello, I'm Symphony. How much of that did you hear exactly?" I asked praying for a miracle. No such luck.

"Hello, I'm Luke. To answer your question, I heard all of it. Kinda saw your car pull in." He said and shrugged. I sighed and nodded.

'Great not the first impression I wanted to make,' I thought and picked up my bag.

"Please pretend that you didn't," I mumbled and he shrugged saying that he'd try to. Somehow I know he won't. I mean it's hard to forget something that you have already seen. When you want to forget something you can't forget but when you want to remember something you forget it easily.

As I walked through the gate I felt like my life was changing, but also beginning over. I honestly didn't want to come here in the first place, but Dad had insisted so now here I am. Now that I'm here,though, It might not be so bad. I mean the buildings look old, but new in a way. There are a lot of kids here that I can become friends with and maybe, just maybe, I will meet someone that cares about me.

Luke offered to help me get to the school's Principal, they call her the Head Mistress here. I agreed and followed him through winding paths and to one of the buildings. I was so going to get lost here. As he opened the door for me he whispered in my ear, "Whatever you do, don't piss off the Head Mistress." At that Luke left. Not sure why he'd say that I made my way down the poorly lit hallway and found the door labeled Head Master. There must have been a guy here before the Head Mistress.

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