Chapter Twenty - Eight: Love Her

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. . . . . . Terence's P.O.V. . . . . . .

I woke up with Symphony in my arms and had to smile. She finally slept through the night, meaning so had I. All her negative emotions are getting overwhelming. I find it hard to sleep or to pay attention in class. I mean not that I don't mind knowing how much pain she is really in, but her emotions are so strong they nearly block out my own. They come off of her in waves. How none of the fey are going crazy is beyond me.

Symphony looked so peaceful and I didn't want to move and wake her. She needs this. Resting my forehead against hers I shifted closer to her needing to feel her warmth. I love her, but at the same time I have to be strong for her. I have to be strong for my one weakness, do you know how impossible that is?

She shifted closer and cuddled against me burying her face into my shoulder. My arms slid around her. We both needed a day away from everything. That's when I got an idea, I should ask the Head Master if she and I could leave school grounds for a day. Just the two of us, away from everything. But I don't think she'd go any time soon. The goddess's warning still played over in my head.

'Things are about to get really bad, Terence, protect her so that she can protect others. I'm counting on you, no, everyone is counting on you to keep her safe. She is the only one who can defeat Caleb and his family. They are afraid of her power. They will try to reach her any way possible. You must protect her. She is the key and they are near. You are her mate, now do what you can to keep her alive.'

The goddess had said to my mind after Tate had taken off that night in the woods. The enemy is drawing near but Symphony hasn't been able to even practice with her gifts yet. Not enough to take him on by herself. I love her too much to let her get herself killed so tomorrow we'll be going to secluded spot and we're all gonna help her practice. I'm going to have all of them skip class if I have to. I'm sure the Head Master would allow us to do it though and give his permission to ditch class.

I'll talk to them all later. Right now her and I need to rest. I closed my eyes again and tightened my arms around her. I don't know what my roommate would do to her if I let her go. I never wanted to let go anyways. Exhaustion took me under into a deep dreamless sleep.

Hours later I woke up to my roomate leaning over us. He blew smoke into my face and I coughed pushing him away. Glaring at him I looked at Symphony to make sure she was okay. She was still sleeping and I kissed her head.

"What do you want Rodger?" I asked. He bounced and I glared at him when Symphony wined and murmured my name. I tugged her closer and made sure she fell back to sleep before looking back at Rodger. "Would you quit being an ass what do you want?" I asked.

"So this is the wonderful girl I hear so much about? Hmmm... I'd like to get to know her better," he said then took another hit of his cigarette. I let out a growl that was surprisingly really good. He bounced again and Symphony woke. I felt her confusion, then as she started remembering things the other emotions crushed into me and I winsed. I kissed her head and she relaxed a little bit. My roommate bounced once again and Symphony looked over. "So, Symphony, what is it like being a Collier? Do you feel powerful? Oh ooh, do you get guys crawling to you asking to be with you?"

"Shut up," her and I both said simultaneously. I smiled and kissed her gently on the lips. She teasingly asked if she could eat him and showed her fangs. I, teasing also, said to go for it it'll solve all my problems. He showed his fangs and hissed. With vampire speed she pinned him to the bed and hissed back. He made a low growl. oh yeah he's a hybrid, I forgot about that.

She bit into his neck and as he grunted I swore and went to make sure she wouldn't hurt him. I noticed he was trying to use her distraction to his advantage. I warned him I could knock him 10 feet into the ground with one single hit and he stopped trying to touch her. He did however bite her back and the hottest noise slipped from her lips. Hell.

After a few minutes I cleared my throat and Symphony pulled away from him. Once she was away from him I pulled her close. That had made her feel too much for my comfort. She apologized and said she didn't espect that to feel so good. I understood though. She'll want to be bitten back sometimes and I know I can't give that to her, but I don't trust Rodger being the one to do it. I'll talk to that vampire we met last night. I'll trust him with her more than I would with Rodger.

She said she was hungary as she turned back to her witch side. I nodded and said we should go get some lunch. She nodded and Rodger was just now sitting up. His eyes were distant and he ran his fingers through his hair. I've never seen him like this before. This is new. I asked if he was okay and he waved me off before leaving.

"He saw my memories and I his. One of the girls I met while captive was his sister. He didn't know where she was and why she had gone missing." I sighed and kissed her head. She pulled my head towards hers and kissed me deeply. I kissed back and couldn't help smiling. I told her we should go before I decide to take her to the bed. Nodding she pulled away and we left.

Once down at the dining hall I stopped her. She looked up at me and I smiled at her, then kissed her cheek. We found the family at our usual table. Although now it was kinda two tables pushed together. She instantly started talking to our friends and family. I love her.

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