Chapter Four: Symphony Learns Her Gift

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     I didn't want him to be around me, but I had to listen to the Head Mistress's rules. He took me to each of my classes and Luke seemed oddly jealous of Logan. Why is he jealous? He has no reason to be. Does he?

    I still don't know what I am or why I was ment to come to Shadow Hills. I'm ecstatic that paranormals exist, but I don't know if I want to be one of them. Wouldn't I have gotten my gifts by now? What would my gifts mean? I know I'm not a vampire for sure so what else could I be?

    Luke cought my arm as the bell rang and he asked me to meet up with him tonight. I asked why, but he refused to answer. I agreed to meet with him. Why did he want to meet? Is he going to help me develop my skills? Or is this for more personal things? I swear if he tries anything I will hurt him.

     Logan totally didn't like the idea, but I had promised Luke I'd meet him tonight. I lied to Logan and said that I wouldn't go. I felt so bad about lieing to him. I really am starting to get annoyed with him though. It's not like we are going out or anything. He has no right to be jealous.

     Slipping out of my room I met Luke outside. He smiled and took my hand. As he led me further and further away from the school I grew more weary. It's so dark out here and I kept tripping as we entered a wooded area. My every sence was on high alert and I kept close to him.

"Luke where are you taking me?" I asked tightening my grip on his hand.

"You'll see." he replied and squeezed my hand gently trying to calm me."It's okay Symphony."

"Luke I'm scared please tell me," I begged. He pulled me closer.

" We're almost there it's ok. I'd never put you in danger."

      We came to a creekside and my breath caught. The way the stars and moon reflected off the water made the water look magical. He had me look at him. My breath cought. The silver in his eyes stood out more in the moon light. He swallowed hard and looked nervous. The hope and fear in his eyes left me nervous too.

"You're spending so much time with my brother and I admit I'm getting a little jealous. Will you go out with me?" I went to reply but I wasn't sure exactly how to.

"I - I - Luke I don't know what to say," I stuttered and looked away.

"Then don't say anything," he mumbled and kissed me. I leaned into him.

    His lips were so soft against mine yet they sent searing heat through me. I pulled away from him. This feels so wrong, but why? Do I have feelings for someone else? Yes, I realized, I like Logan despite my annoyance with him.

"I'm sorry Luke I - I can't," I mumbled softly and ran back towards the school. I ran as fast as I could so I could clear my head.

     Logan grabbed me and looked pissed off. Tears slid from my eyes. He surprised me when he hugged me. I like him more than I had realized. I clung to him.

"You lied to me Symphony," he murmured into my hair. My heart sank with guilt. Nothing I could do can make this right.

"I'm sorry Logan," was all I knew to say. "I'm so sorry."

     He took me back to my room and had me lay down. I asked him to stay till I fell asleep. Nodding he brushed my hair with his fingers. He told me to rest. My roommate sat up and stared at Logan. She didn't say a word just nodded to him and laid back down. He slid in beside me and held me against him. I found myself sliding closer to him.

      I woke to the softest of kisses and my eyes opened. Logan smiled sheepishly down at me. Sitting up a little I met his gaze. He is my boyfriend and I am glad I chose him.

"Can I do that again?" he asked. I nodded and let him kiss me. I kissed him back carefully and easily. I haven't had too many kisses, but I've been told I'm good at it. His hand slid to my waist. I enjoyed the warmth of his lips on mine.

   This time it feels right.

   Jersey cleared her throat, "Hello roommate in the room. You better get ready for school Symphony or you'll be late," she muttered and I pulled away from him. Logan laughed and got up.

   After one more kiss he left and I got ready for school quickly. In class Luke kept glancing over at me. I ignored him all class, but he stopped me when the bell rang. I sighed.

" Are you just going to pretend it never happened?" A few people left in the room paused to hear more. I glared at him.

"Nothing happened Luke. It was a kiss and I told you that I couldn't. I don't like you that way."

"I heard Logan spent the night in your room." Oh now I get it he's jealous of his brother. Well he has no right to be.

"So? That's none of your business," I hissed at him.

   I turned to leave, but he grabbed my arm again and yanked me against him. Logan and Lennox both shoved Luke off of me. Thank God for small favors. I sighed. This is all my fault.

"What's your problem Luke? You know better than to touch a girl like that," Lennox said. Luke glared.

"She's mine and Logan is taking her away from me," Luke growled and tried to hit his brother.

"I'm not yours Luke, I don't belong to anyone," I said.

    Logan pulled me into a hug and sighed. He kissed my head. Lennox grunted and slammed Luke into the wall. He looked at Logan and sighed. Logan kissed my cheek and then met Lennox's gaze.

"Get Samantha," Lennox muttered and grunted again as Luke fought against him. Logan let me go and took off."Damn it brother quit fighting me."

   Sighing I helped Lennox pin Luke. He raised an eye at me. I shrugged. I was strong for a girl, so what? Logan came back and Samantha ended up being a ghost whisperer that specializes in exorcisms. Apparently Luke was a channel for earth bound spirits. So he really never ment to hurt me?

"Symphony right?" she asked and I nodded. "You might want to back away from him." I let Luke go and so did Logan. "This spirit is a strong one. He wishes to do harm. You were right to come and get me Lo."

   She started to chant and I felt her power. Crying out I fell to my knees and images began to appear in my mind. Logan kneeled next to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"What's wrong Symphony?" he asked.

   Pressing my palms into my eyes I curled into his embrace. He looked at  Lennox and they shared a look.

   I had seen the future.

   It wasn't a whole lot of sence though. I saw a boy, a pool of blood and someone choking me. What the hell does this mean? Will this all happen? Who's blood had that been?  Who was that boy? Why was someone choking me? Logan kissed my head and held me. He asked what I had seen. I told him everything I could. He seemed to be lost in thought.

"All I can think of right now is a battle of some kind," Lennox said. I nodded.

"The anger and sadness I felt from it was strong. Like it was way more than just one person's feelings."

"Like more than one person was feeling anger and loss?" Logan asked. I nodded. "Sounds like a battle or a murder. There really isn't much to go on. Did you recognize the boy?"

"No. I've never seen him before in my life."

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