Chapter Five: Sapphire and Symphony (Ember's P.O.V.)

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     We were partnered up in Development class. I was with Lennox and Sapphire and Symphony were paired up. The object of this lesson was to teach us how to use our gifts to protect ourselves. I was curious as to what the other two were capable of. Symphony seemed to know all of Sapphire's moves before she even did them. Sapphire's eyes seemed to change with each element she called forth, blocking Symphony's every move.

     By the end of class  Sapphire and Symphony were at hand - to - hand combat. It was cool. Their wrists collided and I saw something that surprised me. They had identical bracelets. Surely I'm wrong, but it was a type of bracelet that the Collier witches wore. I asked Lennox what he knew about the Collier witches.

    The Collier witches are one of the most powerful witch families in our history. I have a suspicion Sapphire and Symphony are sisters and of the Collier blood line. I'll have to keep my eyes on them. If they are Collier witches then we really have nothing to worry about though. They are the nicest people I know. Like everyone else they get mad, but they aren't the type to hold a grudge or let things bother them for too long. I guess I haven't really seen them mad yet though so it's hard to say for sure. We'll see what happens.

   The teacher stopped everyone and told us to watch their coordination and stances. He said we could learn a lot from watching others fight and we all watched them for a while then he had us pair back up and try it ourselves. Lennox didn't go easy on me this time and I was glad for the challenge.

   When the bell rang we were all tired but Sapphire and Symphony seemed startled that it was the end of class.

  SHORT NOTE: Sorry for the  short chapter hope you're enjoying the book so far. Don't forget to comment and post suggestions. I'm always open for ideas. :).

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