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After Everything I Had Done For Her


You know when you get a nagging feeling right in the pit of your stomach?
Well I had been having one for the past six months. I didn't know what, who, or why. I shrugged it off; but when my pops died, I decided to install cameras like he had done.

He thinks I didn't know but I did. I saw it one day in his office. I guess he had forgotten to turn the TVs off. I came in seeing the CCTV set-up for the whole house. I just laughed because it was something you would expect from pops. When I moved everyone into the Grove, I told them that there would be health and safety checks being done to the house. It worked because everyone had kids or had kids come around their house.

I set up the TVs to stream footage in pops' basement. I would never watch unless I had a valid reason to but at least it was there if needs be.

As of late, I never really heard from Robin. Even in our group chats she stopped responding. I was wondering if she was okay or maybe she missed her sister. I was really starting to feel bad about that.

When I went to see her and pick up Hope the other day and she was all dressed up sexy I was really surprised. She explained she had a guy. I thought maybe this was why we couldn't hear from her recently. I got this weird vibe from her though. Especially when Hope called me Mommy. I can understand but I really wasn't forcing Hope to call me that. She hears the twins constantly calling me Mommy and they all call Ro Daddy; so of course she would think to call me Mommy too. Despite my gut telling me something wasn't right I shrugged it off.

What really bugged me was the day we went to the hospital because we thought I was in labour; on the way back Ro mentioned that Robin ran out of nappies. I knew that was a lie because she never does. Plus just this week Rochelle did a big stock order of baby products including wet wipes, nappies etc for all of us including some to be delivered to Robin's house. I didn't say anything because I didn't see why it was such a big deal.

When we got to Ro's I noticed his bedroom light was on. Now again. Nothing serious but what reason would his light need to be on if we were out. Robin should have been in the living room, Hope's room or Layla's. Not Ro's. When we got inside she clearly wasn't in the living room. Then when he got upstairs I heard him shout. It wasn't loud but I heard his voice. Now, he's on the top floor and I was on the bottom floor I shouldn't be able to hear him.

Lord knows if it wasn't for all those stairs and the fact I can't even see my feet then I would have ran straight up them. Again I just thought against it. The last straw was when I heard Robin shout. I didn't say anything I just messaged Ro saying that I was going to go home as I was tired. I went to my house and went to sleep.

I woke up around six in the morning. I just couldn't sleep properly. Something didn't feel right. When I went downstairs of course Coco was awake, this woman never sleeps. I asked her if everything was in place for my water birth as that's what I wanted. She said yes. We had been waiting for the birthing pool and it was taking forever to arrive.

After talking with Coco for a bit, I went to my pops' basement and decided to see what was going on last night.

My heart. When I saw Robin in the bed naked, waiting for Romaine to get back. I made sure that when these cameras were installed there were mini mics installed too. I was so glad. I watched and listened as Romaine found her upstairs and freaked out. He was really militant with her; I was glad.

Her however, this one hurt. How could she do that to me? After everything I had done for her?!
She loved him. This is why I had to kill her sister in the first place. Now it looked like I was going to have to do the same thing. This all still didn't make sense to me. She was telling me about some guy...then it hit me...Romaine was that guy! What didn't make sense was she said she was talking to him on her laptop. Ro doesn't even do those things. So I checked the video footage from that day in her house.

#3 :: Royal By Name, Loyal By Blood Pt. 3Where stories live. Discover now