..::Chapter six::..

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Christina..p..o..v..   Sep 5 ,Friday  7:55am...

Im just now getting Hannah to school, we're running a little late this morning , as i walk her up too the door i see Alex standing there waiting ,he brings his niece too school every morning but he kept too his word of giving me 'time'  keeping too 'good mornings' 'have a good day"  and  'how are you's'  and stuff like that,but this morning i knew he was waiting for me because he wouldnt still be here if he wasnt.

"hey good morning Christina"he says

"morning. okay Hannah sweetie be good ,and i'll pick you up today okay?"

"yay,kaykay mommy"she says , i open the door and she runs in and over to the rug where the rest of the kids are sitting ,her teacher waves i wave back then i turn around too see Alex still watching me.

"Um can i help you?"i ask

"um yeah, i just wanted to let you know that there is a pack meeting tonight we dont always have them Friday night ,most the times its Monday but tonight is a special one since we have two new pack members this month, so yeah "he says , did he breath at all during that?

"oh okay"

"so are you busy tonight?around six? because the pack would love to finally meet you "he says , i had met a few people from the pack but not all of them yet,

"uh okay, where is it?"

"the pack meetings are always at my house , if you want i could pick you up?"

"um,okay but you know where i live?" i ask and he seems to blush ,

"um ,yeah i do,you know as alpha i kinda have to keep tabs on everyone so its not just you"

i nod,

"okay,i'll be there ,but yh what about Hannah?"

"she can come im pretty sure i'll still have Macie so they can play,"

"okay what time will you pick us up?"

"Five? and i can show you around the house before its too full,"he says

"okay,then i'll see you later "

"kay,see ya"he says ,i nod and start walking off,

its a pack meeting not a date,so theres nothing too worry about i tell my self,

yeah but how many people do you think get a privte tour of his house?

uhg shut up!hes just being a nice ,hes the alpha its his job!  i yell at my inner voice,

yeah but youre not the only new pack member huh? think the other one got such a nice welcom?

uhrg,shut up!

i get in my car and start driving too work,im late now but if they are mad i'll tell them he held me up,if he likes me so much maybe he would stand up for me


Im still trying to get ready, after getting home i took a shower and changed my clothes,Hannah looked pretty in another sun dress but this one is a light blue, im in my bath-room fixing my hair shes sitting on my bed, 

"mommy?"she says

"Yes honey?" i ask looking over at her,

"where we goin?"

"we're going over to see ,Mr.Alex , remember him right? Macie's uncle?"

"mmhum! Macie be there?"

"she should be"

"yay! "she says smiling ,i cant help but smile at her

i then hear knocking at the front door, i look over at the clock five, wow time flys, well at least im ready, i walk into the living room and open the door Alex is standing there,

"hey you look nice."he says looking me over

"thanks,um come in and i'll get my stuff" i say walking back in he walks in behind me and shuts the door

"sit" i say pointing too the couch ,he sits down

"this is a nice place"he says

"thanks and yeah i think so too, i really like it here, this town everyones really nice"i say ,and it was true everyone i had met was nice,

"yeah its a really nice place"he says

"hi!" Hannah says

"Hey sweetie whatcha doin?"he says bending down too be at her level

"where is Macie?"she asks

"well her mommy picked her up to do something but she will be at my house in a little while okay honey?"he says


i get my bag,

"okay ready?" i ask

"yep "he says standing up

"ready honey?"i ask

"yeah momma"she says

so we go outside and i lock the door behind us,then we walk over to his car,and i must say it is nice, a brand new black Bmw ,now these werent my favorite cars but there still nice, we get in ,i buckle Hannah into a car seat thats already in his car,then i get in and he starts the car and starts driving,

well here we go.

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