..::chapter nine::..

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Im still just sitting here in his room ,im no longer crying but i dont feel like going back out yet, and i bet my eyes are all puffy..great!

I get up and see that the bath-room door is open so i go in and look in the mirror,and sure enough my eyes are red, uhg, i see a wash cloth sitting on the sink , he wouldn't mind would he? its just a rag, i wet it and wash my face with cool water,

I sigh ,how did everything get so messed up? why couldn't it be easy ? why did i have to be his mate? and why is he mad at me now?! i mean i just met him! i learned my lesson about doing before thinking. I go back into his room and sit on the bed, then i just decide too lay down, my head is killing me, just alittle longer then i'll go back out .


Everyone is now gone since the last person just left, what a night . okay so this isn't how i wanted it too go , but it did so, dang it'll be a wonder if Christina doesn't hate me after tonight, i mean i had acted like a total jerk!

Stupid stupid stupid me!

She still hadn't left my room and i'm alomst afraid too go up there, i wonder what she was doing is she hiding until we were alone so she could yell at me? i wouldn't blame her, if i was her i wouldv'e done it in front of everyone,

i go upstairs but first i stop in another room where Macie and Hannah are sleeping , they're so cute. then i close the door and walk down too my room ,i reach for the door and stop too take a breath, what would i do if she didnt love me back?

I open the door and look in too see her laying on the bed, asleep,

I just stand there, what should i do ? should i wake her up? would she want me too? , but she looks so sweet and peaceful, i can't wake her up, i quitely walk over to her and trying my hardest not too wake her i pull the covers over her, we can deal with everything in the morning,

i watch her ,she looks so pretty in her sleep, i feel like such a jerk, i can tell she'd been crying, why did i have to upset her even more?!   i kiss her head and walk out of the room without waking her,I will go sleep in one of the other rooms,

i go in aempty room and sit on the bed, all i hope is that i can fix this,


Im in the middle of a dream when i feel something touch my hand, i open my eyes,too see Macie and Hannah standing there,

"Alwex we hungy" Macie says

"Okay sweeties," i say sitting up,

"Hannah is you'r mommy up yet?" i ask

"No,Mommy was sleep we find you"

 "Okay , come on we'll go make something what you want?" i ask

"Pancake!" Macie says , i smile

"okay babies lets go make some pancakes."


I open my eyes and look around, Where am i? i look at  the room this isn't my room, then it hits me , im still in Alex's room! i sit up and look at the clock,wow, then i notice im under the covers, did he come in here and see me? and where is he?  where is Hannah?!

i jump up out of the bed and walk out of the room, i go look in the play room, nope,  then i hear a sound from down stairs,  so i quickly go down stairs too the kitchen, too see Alex Hannah and Macie, i let out a breath and watch them ,

It looks like they're cooking, from the mix all over the place i'd say pancakes,hes cooking them now and both girls are standing beside him watching, Hannah turns around and see's me

"Mommy!" she yells,he looks back and gives me a smile, then goes back to the food, she runs over too me,

"Mommy we makes pancake!"

"Oh wow," i say , she walks back over,

"And i help!" she says proudly and i have to smile at her,

"Sit they'll be done in a minute" he says,, so i sit down at the table and watch them its really cute, and he does seem to be really good with kids ,after he's done he puts them on plates and sits the kids down too eat,

"Want some?" he asks,

"Uh not yet" i say,

"Wanna go talk alone?" he says, i nod

"I think we should"

so he washs his hands and i go into his living room, and sit on the couch waiting for him,then he walks in and sits beside me,

"Look Christina i'm really sorry i know i was being a jerk last night , i wont ever try to  make you do that with me unless youwnt too,and im sorry i upset you and that i snaped with Jessy."

"Okay then,"

"So forgive me?"

"I...I guess,"

"Look i know this has got too be crazy for you, and i want you too know i love you and i'll wait as long as it takes,and do whatever too have you"

"Oh Alex, you seem like a nice guy but i just...dont...know,....after what happened with Hannah's father..."

"I'm not like him Christina,i'm not he's a jerk and stupid for letting you go, i will never do something like that to you,you are the most amazing woman i have ever met and i love you"

"Oh Alex. thats the sweetest thing anyones ever said too me" i say getting a bit teary eyed .



"Well its true, so please what do i have to do to make you feel that way for me,to change you'r mind about us, tell me i'll do it" 

"Nothing,"i say shaking my head

"There has to be something i can do!"

"You've already changed my mind." i say leaning over too kiss him,

Im surprised i gave in so easy, but no one has ever said stuff like that too me, i really do think he's a good guy, and well he is my mate, he pulls back and just holds me too him,

okay so this was not what i'd been expecting when we moved here but life has a funny way of doing things.......

(Okay thanks for reading. i need comments! it makes me update faster ;)  , so vote comment and fan!!)

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