..::Chapter 30::..

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I cant believe this, i cant believe what we're about to do, we're going to get married and im sorta scared but im also very excited i mean im about to get married to the girl i love with everything in me.

I didnt mind not having the wedding yet at the end of the day all i wanted was her and our life together i just want her to be my wife, and in a few hours she will be.

I know we're going to have some pissed off people that missed us getting married  but this is about me and her and no one else other than Hannah which is why we're going to pick her up, and we're almost there.

We'd droped the stuff off at home hid some where she wouldnt find it and now im pulling up to Micah's house and i park and we get out of the car and i grab her hand as we walk up to the door,

"Okay we need to stop grinning like fools." i say laughing standing at the door and we try to make our faces blank and it works for a moment then we burst out laughing at each other

"Okay well we tryed." i say shrugging and opening the door i never knock anymore at this point  we never really knock we just walk in, but Micah has started knocking again since Christina has lived with me,

But i know he's just being nice and not wanting to walk in on us, not that he really cares just that he didnt want to upset Christina walking in like that, in a few more weeks when they get closer he'll go back to walking in whenever he wants.

"Daddy!" Hannah yells jumping up and running over to us and i pick her up and kiss her cheek,

"Hey baby did you have fun?" i ask

"Yeah daddy we played and it was fun." she says i look over and see Micah still sitting on the couch where she had been he gets up and walks over to us.

"Hey back kinda early, thought you might be a bit longer." he says

"Nah." i say

"Well you both seem pretty happy." he says winking and i just roll my eyes

"Your such a guy, only ever thinking of one thing." i say

"Nah man i can think of two things! do i look like i ever forget about food?" he says and i roll my eyes again

"No you look like you always remember to eat, you eat all the time." i say

"Yep, so see its not true guys can only think of one thing we can also think about eating!" he says and i laugh at him, some times i wonder why i have stayed with him so long he's such a weirdo, but he's my weirdo friend, so yeah.

"Okay well we'll talk to you later man okay?" i say wanting to get going but not really wanting to be rude or anything 

"In a rush are we?" he says

"Nah just tired." i say and i hate lying to him i know he can see right through it but he doesnt call me out on it,

"Kay later, have fun guys, bye Hannah." he says

"Bye bye." she says and he comes up to me and she leans over to kiss his cheek     

"Bye." Christina says and we grab her bag and walk out to the car and get in and i put Hannah in her seat and we leave,

Here we go..


Oh my gosh this is really happening isnt it? im going to get married! dang...

"Are you sure you want to do this? because baby if your the least bit unsure its okay i want you to be ready i dont want you to feel rushed into anything." he says

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