..::Chapter eighteen::..

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No one makes a move, not knowing what to do, Alex just looks over at me like i should do something, i know he still more than hates him, but he's not sure what to do with him crying right in front of us.

"What in the world?" i say

"I-im sorry i just-i just." he says

"Whats going on? why are you here? what do you want and how am i suppossed to help you with that?" i ask im not a cold person but i dont have much pitty for this man,

"Can i talk too you? alone?" he asks sniffing and wiping his eyes,

"Alex uh can you give us a moment i guess?" i say

"No, i dont trust him ." he says

"Honey i'll be fine, go wait in the living room for a few minutes." i say,

"Fine, but i will be right in there, call if you need me." he says giving him a look and walking out,

"What do you want?" i ask

"Christina." he says

"What?" i say

"Im so sorry look i know im a jerk and i messed up so bad n the past, but i was scared and stupid, and im so so sorry." he says

"What do you want?" i say flatly

"Hannah, i want to be part of her life, im her father shouldnt i get that right?" he says

"No! you are nothing too her! you pushed us away and never called once in five years and now  you show up wanting us?!" i yell

"No, i want her i have nothing Christina! nothing and that makes me realize what i had ands i threw it away! it was stupid and i should have found you sooner but i didnt because i knew this is how it would be, and i couldnt face you!" he says

 "Oh yeah i bet you'r life is so bad! " i say

"You have no idea what has happened to me! " he says

"Yeah, and you dont know the crap ive been through either because of you! " i yell

"Im sorry Christina! i was 16 and scared, i know i messed up and i know that i cant fix being gone for five years but please all im asking is for a chance to get to know my child!" he says

"And how many times must i say she is not you'r anything! " i say

"I know but please." he begs

"No! she doesnt know you, she has never met you and the clostest thing she has to a father is Alex now, they get along so well and im not about to mess all that up because you show up saying after 5 years you wanna play daddy, well go to hell! now get out of our house. " i say crossing my arms over my chest

"Please." he says

"Please get out." i say i hear foot steps behind me and Alex puts his arm on my shoulder

"She said gte out, now are you going to leave or do i need to help you with that?" he says in a pretty scarey voice,

"Whatever, you havent seen the last of me yet, i will be back and i will have Hannah." he says, im sorta surprised he knows her name, but it doesnt really matter right now,

"Not in a thousand years." i say, he doesnt say anything else he just turns and walks out the back door, i dont say anything, he's crazy if he thinks i'll let him any where near my little girl, and i dont think he could go to a court for her, since he hasnt seen her in...well ever.

"Dont worry about him baby." Alex says hugging me from behind and rocking us i put my hands over his on my waist.

"Im not, i just dont understand why after all this time he has to show up when everything is going good." i say looking down at our feet.

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