Chapter 2

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Rebecca's POV

We just finished our audition and if you ask me, it went great. I could perform all day and not get fed up.

"Ok. thanks guys, you will know if you get through at the end of the day, just meet us here like the others" one of the judges annouced.

"Thank you" we all said at the same time, we looked at each other and laughed then went of the stage and to our seats in the theatre was a big room.

"Guys that was amazing hopefully we will get through." Charlie said and took a sip of her water.

"NO! we WILL get through." I said making sure i looked determined. Then the girls laughed at me because of how much i was trying. "Guys we might as well stay here then go to english, because it will get one lesson out of the way."

"Umm...pointing out the obvious much?" Lulu said and we all laughed again. WOW we are in a a great mood.

"Ok next is One Direction" Me and the girls groaned but only quiet enough so we could hear. Well that definitely ruined the mood.

"thanks Mrs Jenny we are going to sing a song called Torn" Niall said politely and then looked and me and winked.


"Okay, guys thanks for auditioning here is the who got through," Mr Joe paused "One step ahead, 5 seconds of summer, the Vamps, One Direction, union J, Barbie girls..... Sky Blue. your performance is on the 14th April, till then Make sure to practice."

Me and the girls squealed and high-fived.

"This is amazing, OMG what shell we do to celebrate?" Charlie asked.

"TO PLAY-ZONE." Amelia called, gosh her love for playzone will never get old, AND is probably getting stronger by the minuet.


"Wow that was fun were shell we go now?" I asked.

"seaside, since its warm day we should sun bathe" Lulu said

"IM SWIMMING" Charlie and Amelia said at the same time and high fived



Once we got to the beach me and charlie ran to a empty spot dropped our stuff took our clothes off so we are just left with our bikins and ran in to the sea. once we got in there it wasnt to hot and it wasnt to was perfect. Me and charlie started messing around having races splashing eachother..ect, at the moment we are just on some floats we brought on our way here just chatting....well that is till Charlie catches her eye on some one or may i say people.

I turned my head to see the direction boys...GREAT, NOT...

Me and charlie looked at each other and rolled our eyes. then we carried on talking, after a while we heard people coming towards us, turns out is Harry and Louis..Yay.

"Ladies." Harry says and throws a wink at me i turned my head to charlie and protended to gag and she just chuckled to her self.

"Ceatures." Charlie said and just looked at anything but them but then she groand turned her head to them dramaticly and said "ya know what lets cut to the chase, can we help you or are you guys just going to keep going on how your singing is terrib- i mean 'amazing'?...Nah I'm just going to stick to terrible".

"first of all, our singing is the best and 2nd will you go on a date with me" Louis said, i looked at Charlie and she looked at me and we burst out laughing

"look i know i am hot and all but" Charlie paused and protened to flick some hair (her hair is in a ponytail) "i am WAY to fabulous for you!" she exclaimed. Then we started getting of the floats and started walking back.

"What if..." Harry started talking "What if we told you they girls are going on a date with Niall and Zayn? And that we are all going together?'' Harry finished looking hopeful. Me and Charlie looked at each other and then other to the girls and they were surprisingly looking back at us as well.

"Well..." I started "We will only go if they go But this is only a one of though." i Finished and regretted it strait away..WHY DID I SAY THAT!!

"Then its a date we will pick you girls up tomorrow at 6pm, BYE" They said and walked off.

Louis' POV

Once we found out that we got through the auditions me and the boys wanted to go to nandos and then the beach, at the moment we were in the car i was driving Harry next to me and the other boys in the back. we were talking about how annoying the blue girls are but how hot they are.

"come on boys we have to trick them into letting us win!" Zayn said, at the moment we thought it would be a good idea into tricking the girls into letting us win, the other groups already know we are going to win its just sky blue have always been competitve with us, ever since year 3 (A/N 2nd grade....i think).

"get more fans?"

"already got loads"

"make posters"


"dress better?"

"DUDE! we are already hot"
We all laughed.
"trick them into liking us" Harry said like it was nothing and he was waiting for a come back.

"Harry...did-did you come up with that?" Zayn asked like it was a miracle.

"yer...?" Harry said but more like queationed like it was the most ovibous thing in the world.

"THATS BRILLIANT! Ok who should trick which girl?? i mean theres 5 of us and 4 of them" Zayn asked like this was a mission.

" i guess i will trick Amilia" Harry said like it was no big deal.

"i will go with Rebecca" Niall said kinda...excitdedly??

"Lulu for me then..." Zayn said.

"so theres charlie left... i will go with her" I said, i dont think Liam minds any way...wait why would he this is charlie the sassy's girl in school.

"oh kl no girl for me" Liam shouted fist pumping the air like it was the best thing ever...but then again i would do the same, DAMN IT. Should of done rock, paper, scissors...

After 15 more mineuts and we where there.

"WERE HE- oh great the blue girls are here" i groaned.

"ALRIGHT! boys no presure but time to put your flirt on" Liam laughed and got out the car and opened the boot.

"Fine.." i said sarcastically.

well this should be an eventful evening...



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Sky Blue Vs One direction?(ON HOLD) (Romance/ fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now