Chapter 1

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Mare POV

The wedding was coming up and I was extremely nervous. Not about Cal, more about the wedding itself.

Nothing bad has happened in over a year and I know it's not going to stay like that. Something bad always happens.

Cal keeps telling me to not worry. I just can't take him seriously after last time. The good thing is that we aren't fighting anymore.

I am walking around the castle smiling. Cal and I have changed everything. Reds and silvers mingle and no one person is higher than the other. I have only heard a few complaints but many, including silvers, seem to enjoy it.

I look out the window and see two silvers fighting each other. Luckily I'm in battle gear so I look official. I get outside to see them fight over a sword. Really a sword!?

I point to the sky and lighting strikes in between them. I've also been practicing controlling my powers.

The two trainees look at me in disgust then shock. I don't think they realized it was me.

"What's going on?" I ask walking towards them. By now other trainers have stopped what they were doing to watch. Cal isn't here at the moment so I have to take charge.

"Sorry ma'am but he ripped the sword out of my hands using telekinesis." Said the shorter one. The tall one looked at him and snarled.

"It was mine first jerk." He grumbled.

"Ok stop, you two are acting like toddlers. No matter what happens NEVER start a fight over it. I don't care if one of you is silver or red. It clearly doesn't matter anymore. So come to me first, don't result to violence." I say and they both look at me. The shorter one nods and walks away to practice archery, but the tall one is still here.

"You're a hypocrite, you say no violence yet you attack us with lighting." He says when I begin to walk away.

"I didn't hit you did I?" I ask and he walks away as well. "Start training again." I yell and they all go back to what they were doing.

Maybe I can lead these people.

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