Chapter 3

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 Sorry for the long wait! I have had such a busy week, but I promise I will try to upload as often as I can. So anyways, here is the next chapter. I hope you enjoy this, and thank you so much for reading :) ( btw I plan on making this book really long! )

This apartment was huge! It had a marble walkway into a sunken living room, with a very large t.v.! The granite kitchen was to the right with an island in the middle for seating. On the other side was a white wood paneled hallway with three doors. The one at the end was a lovely bathroom. Then out of the left door came a smiling girl. She had short blond hair and the same small figure as me, although she was a little taller.

"Oh, hello! You must be Courtney? I'm Gracie." she said politely in her English accent.

"Hi, yes I am! Nice to meet you roommate. This place is huge!" I exclaimed.

"Oh I know, isn't it brilliant?! I've always wanted to live here ever since I was little!"

"So you've lived in London your whole life? I asked.

"Yeah, I love it! I'll have to show you around this week. You're from America right?" Gracie asked.

"Yup, from Kalamazoo, MI. That sounds great, well I am going to unpack and set up my room. I am in the one on the right, correct?"

"Sounds good! Yes, they are both the same exact room, so I just went ahead and chose one. I'm going to Skype my parents, i'll see you a little later, maybe we can can go for some dinner!"

"Ooo, sounds fun!"

I rolled in my two suitcases and set them on my bed. The room was a beautiful teal blue, my favorite color, with a white dioly pattern all around. I had a lovely walk-in closet, vanity area with mirror, two large windows and the biggest King bed I had ever seen, complete with posts and a huge nightstand.

I finished unpacking and hanging various pictures from home just as Gracie came in and flopped on my bed.

"Geesh, how long has it been?" I asked Gracie.

"Oh about an hour and a half. Your room looks so brilliant!" she seemed awed.

"Thanks, I brought a lot of my things from home. I guess I'm worried about getting homesick, it is my first tome away from home, like ever." I said.

"Oh no! Well I am sure you will be fine! Plus you have me and I am SO much fun to be around." she laughed and jumped up.

"Haha I can tell!" I laughed at her silliness.

I was glad I had such a good roommate, she was quite a bit more forward and louder than me, but I guess that was a good thing. At least I didn't get stuck with some weird roommate who has hundreds of boyfriends and a horribly annoying personality! She is so cheery and will keep my spirits up all the time!

"So... where should we go to dinner?" she chirped looking around at my various pictures I hung on the wall.

"Umm, well I am going to let you decide because I have absolutely no idea where anything is around here!!"

"Oi, you are right! We are going to this cute little place up the street, I'm going to got get ready! Oh and it's kinda fancy so dress up!" she winked and skipped out of my room. Here goes my first night out on the town.

We went to this place called Le Gavroche and it was fantastic! I officially love British food. We talked about our lives and got to know each other. Then afterwards she took me around town and showed me a few main places/streets. We also did a little shopped and I got some adorable new tops!

I awoke to sun beams in my face and birds chirping outside. Mental note: shut blinds BEFORE I got to sleep! I grumbled and rolled out of bed, the jetlag had obviously not worn off and I was still on American time. I stumbled into the bathroom and washed my face. I am normally not too bad in the morning and I love getting up around 8 or 9.

On my way back to my room I ran into Gracie: fully clothed, hair perfectly straight and beaming like the sunshine that woke me up. Ugh, I was going to have to get used to this.

"Hi Court! Geesh, time change getting to you?" she laughed and ruffled my messy bun which was sticking out every-which-way.

"Haha, very funny, but yes. This is horrible, I feel like I tried to run at a 10-foot wall." I complained.

"Ehh, you'll get used to it sooner or later! Well I am off to work for the day, i'll be home around seven. Any fun plans for the day?" she asked.

"Oh okay, hey, what day is it? Nahh, as if I actually have any friends in this new town. maybe i'll explore a little bit, or shop some."

"It's Tuesday haha! Sounds fun, i'm off, bye!" and she ran out the door, obviously late.

"Righto, see ya!" I yelled after her.

Fun. I have a whole day to do nothing, yay! I threw on some light blue chinos and my National Honor Society sweatshirt from school, it reminded me of home and I loved it! Just as I finished dabbing on some very light makeup ( I hardly wear any, like at all, I hate the way it makes my skin feel ) I heard a loud knock at the door, accompanied by some loud laughing.

I didn't think it could be Gracie, as that would make her VERY late for work. I ran to the door and timidly asked, "who is it?"

No answer... I cracked the door open about an inch and saw a small brightly striped box in front of my door.

I opened my door some more and peaked down the hallway, no one was there so I grabbed the box and bolted inside. I was kinda scared/excited to open my present! I shook it and tore it open to find a a super cute striped watch with a note attached that read:

Morning love, hope we didn't wake you, well actually we hope we did! El and I want to take you             to lunch today with some of our friends. Would you be up for that? Well you have to be, because we are coming back in an hour to pick you up! Look nice ;D


So much for a relaxing day...

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