Chapter 9

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I sosososo apologize for the long wait on my update!! I was bogged down with my final exams, but I am finally done with them as of yesterday and I am now on summer term. YAY! In other words, I shall be updating much more frequently on this lovely story. Anyway, I hope everyone is doing great and that you will please continue to read my story, thanks again. :)


I had to get out of the restaurant as soon as I heard that awful guy on the phone asking Court out on a date. I mean, it's not like Court and I had anything going on, it's obvious she has her eye on someone else. Ah! I just feel like I could have done something more, maybe I should have acted sooner. Although she probably would have just rejected me because of whoever this Ed guy is. For all I know he could be her boyfriend, but I don't even want to talk with her about it, and frankly I would really prefer to just avoid her as much as possible so I don't do something I regret.

I walked aimlessly around for a little bit before heading back to my flat. To be honest with you, I have completely no idea where I was even headed.

"What's got your panties in a bundle?" Lou asked me as walked through the door and plopped down next to him and Harry.

"Huh? Oh, nothing." I tried to smile, as I wasn't quite ready to tell the boys anything yet. I have to let myself think things over before I can even come close to telling anyone anything.

"UH, FINE THEN DON'T TELL US!" Lou shouted in my ear as he got up from the sofa and stormed up to his room slamming the door and blasting some music.

"He's only mad because I told him El can't come over tonight because we all have to get up for recording tomorrow and we have to well rested. So, don't let him get to ya mate." Harry looked at me and shrugged. 

"Soooo, how did your lunch date go with Court?" Harry asked winking at me and raising his eyebrows, his expression changed as soon as he saw my look and realized why I had been acting sad. "Not, good huh? Listen, I'm sorry Niall, she'll come around though. So don't get your hopes dow-"

"No, she won't actually!! She has a date with some other guy, probably her boyfriend for all I know. It's not even worth it, I don't even want to see her... I mean I do, but I, no I don't!" I put my face in my hands completely and totally frusterated with everything right now.

"Niall, you don't even know for sure if that is her boyfriend, right?" Harry asked, soothingly giving me a pat on the back.

"Well, uh, no. But still, I don't want to get in the way of her whirlwind romance with "Ed". I just wish I could see things the way the actually are." I started to break down into Harry arms, he was always good at making you feel better.

"Don't think this over too much. But It's like I said to you the other night, you should have made your move when it was right. It's obvious she feels something for you too, so take a leap of faith on this one. But maybe wait a little until you know more about this how "Ed" thing, okay?" Harry asked.

"Okay, I think I am going to grab some food and go to bed early. Thanks again Hazz, it really helped. But could you not say anything to the other lads just yet? I am not quite ready to tell them yet. See you in the morning." I asked, already knowing his answer.

"Wouldn't even dream of it, you can tell them when you're ready. Sleep tight Niall." Harry said.

I grabbed a bag of crisps and a small tub of ice cream, only to be reminded of Court, so I put the ice cream back and went for a couple of cookies instead. I walked upstairs and into my room. The music had stopped coming from Lou's room and I could hear some snoring, good, maybe he will sleep off his anger.

I sat down on my bed, picked up a my guitar and started to play.


I paid for our meal, since Niall was nowhere to be seen. I figured he must have really had to get out of there fast. Probably one of the boys needed an emergency food opinion.

It was already 3 and I realized I had nothing to wear for tonight. I fished my phone out of my purse and sent Eleanor a quick text, hoping she would be free and willing to help me find a cute dress or playsuit.

She ttexted back quick and told me to meet her a couple blocks down from where I was at store called Motel.

"Hello, lovely!" El chirped as we walked inside the store. "Okay, so we need to find you a dress?" 

"Erm, I was actually thinking of a cute playsuit, I only have one and I would love something a little more dressy. We are going to the fair tonight!" I excitedly said, clapping my hands as I did so.

"Aw, Niall is such a gentleman!!" El cooed.

"I kno- wait what?" I said confused.

"You are going with Niall, right?" El smiled.

"Uh, no. I met this really nice guy the other day, Ed.." I gave her a questioning look.

"Oh, of course, of course.. I was just thinking of something else, forget I said anything! Here, let's go look at the playsuits, they are over there!!" El looked flustered and we walked away to continue shopping. I wasn't quite sure what she was talking about, of course I wasn't going with Niall, but why would she think that? Oh well, she probably jsut got things mixed up, she is just like Lou and he does the same thing all the time. I just shook it off as El picked out some cute clothes for me to try on.

"Oh, I just LOVE this playsuit!!" I said. We ended up getting a lilac playsuit with cream feather print all over it, it had a high neck and it was gorgeous.

"I know! The lavender makes your eyes look stunning" El gushed as we walked down the street with smoothies in our hands.

"Ah! It's already 5 and Ed's picking me up at 6!!" I said as I started to run into my building with El followed closely behind me.

"Okay, run and go shower, I'll do your hair when your done. Hurry!" She laughed as I ran into the bathroom and into the shower.

I was out in about 15 minutes and El was waiting for me. I already had on my playsuit as El ushered me onto the floor in front of my sofa.

"Alright, i am going to do a braid all the way around your head, sound good?" she asked as I parted my hair for her to start.

"Anything, that sounds wonderful!" I replied. We chatted and talked about random things until about 5:55. Just about then, the doorbell rang.

"Oh! I'll get it, I said as I hopped up and smiled at El as i ran excitedly to the door."

"Hello Ed!" I smiled brightly, as once again, I was met with those striking green eyes that made me swoon. I was so distracted I didn't even notice the flowers.

"Wow, you look, beautiful Court.." Ed said in a sort of breathless tone. "Oh, these are for you!" he smiled, slightly blushing as our hands touched.

"Oh Ed, these our gorgeous. Shall we head out?" I asked.

"Yes, we wouldn't want to be late for the fair, haha!" he joked.

"Very funny! Bye El, I'll see you later, thanks for your help and tell Lou I said hi!" I yelled as Ed slung his arm around my shoulder and we made our way outside.


I felt bad for leaving Court, and as much as I had been trying to ignore her I figured I might as well apologize for my rudeness. So I made my way to her apartment, I figured they would probably be back from their "date" by now, seeing as it's about 10:30... I shuddered as the thought crossed my mind of Court on a date.

I made my way to her door and knocked quietly, I hadn't even bothered to tell her I was coming over, as she might be so mad that she would tell me not to come.

I was unfortunately knocked out of my thoughts when the door opened.

"Listen, Court can I pleas-" I stopped short as I realized I was speaking to a pair of very green eyes. 

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