Chapter 7

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Hello! I am still updating, don't worry, I've just been busy as usual. This chapter has a bit of an unexpected twist to it, enjoy!

Niall had bought me every single one of the outfits I had tried on. Where in the world did he have the money?! That must have been at least $800.. and there is no way I can just take these from him. However I could not find the receipt in any of the bags.. that sly guy! He must have hid it from me so I couldn't return them.

"Care to explain yourself?" Gracie smiled as she walked into the hallway.

"Uh... erm. I made some new friends?" I half-smiled and shrugged.

"Some super rich friends it looks like! Do they happen to be boys?" she asked raising her eyebrows as she came to inspect the bags.

"Well, maybe.. look I just met them, but they are really nice! And they aren't all guys, I met two girls who are good friends with them. Enough of the quiz time, how was work?"

"Ahh, I see. Well you will have to tell me more about them later. It was alright, nothing to exciting." she said as we walked into the kitchen. I grabbed some Pringles and started to munch on them while she filled me in on her day.

I finally made my way to bed, I hadn't realized how tired I was until I thought about getting a shower but couldn't even bring myself to do that. I did change out of my pants into some plaid sleep shorts, but I keep on Niall's shirt, it sounds weird but it just made me feel safe and comfortable. I got into bed and within minutes I was asleep and dreaming about my wonderful day.

I awoke to the sun shining into my room, and once again, onto my face. I am definitely going to get some curtains today.

I got up and picked out my clothes for the day, a blousy striped top and high-waisted, button-up jean shorts. I took my clothes into the bathroom to take a shower, I then looked in the mirror and realized I was still wearing Niall's shirt and I smiled stupidly to myself. I got in the shower and let the hot water wash over me and I instantly felt refreshed. I used my favorite fruity/sweet smelling shampoo, it reminded me of home and I felt a pang in my heart. I hadn't really thought too much about home, but I realized now how much I actually missed it.

I put my hair up in my usual top knot and threw on my clothes. I made my way into the kitchen to grab some breakfast and found a note stuck to the fridge.


Went to work again today, won't be home until late. It's going to be like this everyday for awhile. Have a meeting, so don't wait up!


I read the note and sat down to eat my cereal and plan out what I am going to do for the day. I decided to walk around the city and get to know my way around. I also definitely needed to find some curtains for my room. 

I grabbed my purse and a granola bar for later and locked the door as I walked out of my apartment.

It was a lovely sunny day outside with only a few clouds to the East. I took a left as pulled out the map of London my mom bought me so I wouldn't lose my way. I told her I didn't need it, but she insisted, and now I am glad I have it.

I walked down Liverpool Rd and went into the shopping centre. My feasted upon the clothing stores, the chiffon twirls, fabric flourishes, lavish high heeled shoes and brilliant hues. I only allowed myself to get lost in the first few stores, I mean, how could one resist? 

I eventually pulled myself away from the clothing stores with only one new pair of espadrille flats. I was pretty proud of the fact that I didn't buy anything else, especially with all the temptation.

They Say London is the City of... Love? (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now