spoiled with flowers

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Riley Matthews loved flowers almost as much as she loved staring at the back of her crush's head in math class. It was a simpler time then, where the girl she liked didn't even know her name. The initially innocent crush eventually became pining and Riley had no idea what do with her all of her emotions. So, like any other rational person, she dealt with it by sending Maya flowers each week.

The flower boutique was dimly lit but packed at each corner with every type of flower that Riley could imagine. Each of the colours were so bright and unique it made her giddy just by looking at them.

"Sir!" Riley asked, leaning over the counter to gain the man's attention. "How much are those pink tulips?"

He turned his head in the direction that her finger was pointing before answering.

"You sure you want all of them?" The man questioned.

Riley nodded eagerly. After all, she was planning to keep one for herself as well.

The lean, muscular boutique owner strutted over to the flowers bouquet and scanned them. "36$" he paused briefly, counting the money before putting it into the register. "Do you want them sent to anyone?"

"Yes please. They're for a beautiful girl named Maya H." She answered.

He hummed as he wrote the name onto the tiny card attached to the bouquet. "And it's from..?"

"That doesn't matter." Riley declined. "Just write her name and have them sent anytime tomorrow."

The owner nodded and tucked his pen behind his ear. "Got it."


Maya had a horrible morning. Her alarm clock didn't go off, she had an argument with her mom last night and everything in her life just seemed to be falling out of place.

That was, until she saw the delicately arranged bouquet of pink tulips taped to her locker.

Her eyebrows rose suspiciously, glancing around for any phone cameras. She learned to be aware of those since Farkle loves recording the pranks he plays on Maya. Once she approached her locker, she read the tag, trying to analyze it for a handwriting that she recognized.

It read. "To a beautiful girl; Maya H."

The smile that was now growing on her face almost became impossible to hide. Maya flipped the tag over and looked all over the flowers for the name of the person who sent them. She was only left with disappointment when nothing could be found.

Little did she know, the person Maya was so desperately searching for was peering at her just around the corner with her books held tightly against her chest.


The next week, Riley found herself back at the same familiar store. They received a new shipment and the girl was dying to share some of it with Maya.

This time around, Riley opted for a bouquet of light blue daisies. A couple days prior, she overheard Maya spilling her heart out to Zay and Smackle about how much she loved the colour blue.

When the delivery man asked her what to write on the card this time, he decided to be a wingman and pitch in some ideas. "Lets add a cute nickname." He suggested. "How about peaches?"

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