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A/N: Here's a fluffy Christmas one shot for everyone! Featuring a clueless Maya and a lovesick Riley.

It was Christmas Eve at the Matthews residence and Riley and Maya were cuddling in bed, having their annual Christmas movie binge watching night.

The blonde haired girl nestled into Riley's neck and hummed in content when her friend stroked her hair. Maya has had feelings for Riley for as long as she can remember but she's never been brave enough to act on it.

"Hey Maya?" Riley asked softly, drifting her attention away from the flashy Christmas movie.

Maya looked up at her fondly. "Yeah?" She smiled. She could feel Riley's legs slowly untangle themselves from her own. Maya frowned to herself at the action and missed the warmth that Riley's body emitted.

The brunette pushed herself up on her elbows and sat up properly. "Have you ever kissed someone?"

Maya shook her head quickly. This question definitely came out of nowhere, she thought. "I haven't. If I ever kissed somebody, you would've the first person I told, Riley."

Her best friend nodded in acknowledgment in silence. Riley's gaze was focused on the blank wall in front of her.

Reaching out to grab Riley's hand under the sheets, Maya intertwined their fingers and squeezed her hand tightly. "Who's got you thinking about kissing? Does somebody miss their cowboy? We can always FaceTime Lucas!" Maya offered in a fake tone. It killed her inside when she had to pretend to support whatever was going on between Lucas and Riley.

The taller girl chuckled softly but shook her head. "No, I don't like Lucas anymore, Maya."

"Oh." She replied, not knowing what to do with this new information.

"Yeah," Riley repeated. "It's just, um-" Maya slowly rubbed her thumb across Riley's palm to calm her down. "-my parents decided to put mistletoe up this year and I don't know what I'm going to do if I end up under the mistletoe with someone and I'm horrible at kissing."

The blonde held back a laugh at her friend's innocence. "You're being silly, Riles. You've kissed Lucas before, haven't you?"

"I guess-" Riley shrugged. "But I never told you how I really felt about it."

"Well, how did you feel about it then?" Maya pressed.

Her best friend shook her head in disapproval. "I hated it, Maya." She admitted. Maya jumped back a little, shocked by what she was hearing.

"What?!" Maya asked. "You told me it was perfect?"

"That's what I tried to convince myself. But I know now that I can't lie to myself about something that I don't feel. It was all wrong Maya, I didn't like how rough and thin his lips were or how his hair was too short for me to run my fingers through, or how hard his biceps were when I rested my hands on them. I didn't like any of it. It repulsed me."

Maya was shocked, to say the least. "Wow."

Riley nodded, slightly out of breath and tried to avoid any eye contact with Maya in case she made her feelings any more obvious.

"So what you're saying is that you want to be under the mistletoe with a boy who has soft, plump lips, long hair, and noodles for arms?" Maya asked, stroking her chin slightly. She was so oblivious sometimes.

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