walks on the beach

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"Hey." Maya smiled when Riley opened the door.

The taller girl stood there breathless for a few seconds before nervously welcoming her friend (?)-They haven't talked about that part recently- in. Maya's cheeks were rosy from the lingering cold that stayed around after winter and Riley swore that the blonde has never looked prettier.

Riley frowned apologetically before turning away from the blonde, "sorry, I just have to tuck Auggie into bed quickly, I'll be back in a second." Maya nodded and took a seat on the same couch that has sat in the Matthews' apartment since they were six.

Both of Riley's parents were at some kind of work function. Secretly, Maya was beyond relieved because this meant that she wouldn't be forced to answer any questions about her feelings for Riley.

Her thoughts were interrupted when Riley reentered into the living room with a familiar smile on her face that gave Maya butterflies.

"Let's go!" She exclaimed, intertwining their fingers and dragging Maya out the door.


Maya's fingers drummed impatiently on the steering wheel of Shawn's car (which she had to beg him to borrow for this date). They were stopped at a red light.

Both girls were equally nervous but tried their best to not make it evident. Riley turned her head to steal a look at her best friend that she now has feelings for only to see that Maya was already looking at her. Maya blushed and turned away quickly. A few moments later the blonde glanced at Riley which immediately caused Riley to whip her head towards the front again, pretending like she wasn't staring at Maya for minutes.

"So where are we going?" Riley asked curiously.

Maya turned her head and grinned, her smile was so bright the other girl in the car almost forgot that it was nighttime outside. "It's a surprise honey."

The brunette rolled her eyes playfully. "You're no fun." She pouted and crossed her arms.

Maya threw her head back and laughed. She took a bite out of the taco they picked up a few miles back. The car took a turn which led them out of the city and onto the smaller, quieter, countryside roads. She may have only been 17 but Maya was sure that this was all she ever needed in life. Riley, and tacos.


"Here we are!" The blonde exclaimed, parking the car and flailing her arms in excitement.

No response.

"ahem." She cleared her throat before repeating herself, with more enthusiasm this time. "HERE WE ARE!"

Riley's whole body jumped forward as she woke up from her nap. "AH!"

The car ride ended up taking hours, and they had just finished up finals at school so Maya couldn't really blame the other girl for being exhausted.

The taller girl rubbed the sleep from her eyes tiredly, yawning in the process.

Maya watched in adoration as the other girl slowly gained back her consciousness. She reached her hand out and wiped away a bit of drool from the corner of Riley's mouth. "Missed a spot, honey." She smirked.

Heat rose to Riley's cheeks as a blush started to form. She was so embarrassed. "Oh my gosh, sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep. We were supposed to be talking about our feelings and where we stand now and all that gross stuff!"

"It's okay. I don't mind." Maya replied softly. Her ocean blue eyes staring deep into the warmth of Riley's. "I just like spending time with you."

"Even when I'm asleep?" She asked.

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