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A/N: Sorry it's late lol but enjoy!

"Come on Riley, can you stop being a nerd for one evening?" Zay pleaded with me, throwing a rolled up sock at the back of my head. I growled slightly at the impact before continuing to type on my laptop.

Leave it up to my dad to assign us a history paper on Halloween. Granted, it wasn't due until Friday but I still wanted to get a head start. "No way Zay. I am not going to that stupid party with you."

He whined, pouting just like a puppy. "Why nottt?"

I slammed my laptop closed with a light shut. "Because it's just a bunch of drunk teens groping each other to music! I have actual ambitions in life." I said sternly, crossing my arms.

Zay quirked an eyebrow at me. "Oh yeah? Like what?"

"Well." I began, "right now it's writing this history paper because I need good grades if I'm going to get into college for journalism." While a social life did seem appealing from time to time, it just wasn't sustainable with my goals.

"And then what, Riley? You die alone and become known as that old lesbian lady down the street with 3 cats?" He asked, knowing that he was getting on my nerves.

I rolled my eyes. "First of all, its 4. And I'm just waiting for the right person. Meeting the woman I marry at some trashy teen Halloween party doesn't sound like the most romantic thing to me."

"Maya Hart is going to be there." He deadpanned.

Immediately, my face heated up with embarrassment. How did he know? Was I always this obvious with my crushes? Regardless, Maya Hart was the resident badass with a soft spot for her friends. She would never blink an eye at me. "Even if I do go, I don't have a costume to wear." I muttered, shuffling my feet nervously and keeping my gaze on the floor.

The boy scoffed, and got up without a word, walking into my closet, flipping through my clothes. "Hey, stop!" I protested, he was making a mess everywhere. He ignored me as he continued rummaging for who knows what.

"Aha!" He exclaimed, walking over to me and shoving a puffy blue dress into my arms. "You're going to be the hottest Cinderalla there," he winked. "I'm going to the kitchen  to chill with Auggie. We're leaving in 10 minutes pumpkin!"


When I stepped out into the living room, I was met with wolf whistles from my entire family, all orchestrated by Zay. "3 cheers for Riley leaving the house!" He shouted.

My mom, dad and Auggie happily obliged, "Hip hip hurray! Hip hip hurray! Hip hip-"

"Alright! That's enough!" I growled pushing past them and towards the door, tapping my feet impatiently as I waited for Zay.

As he was opening the door and we were saying our goodbyes, fear immediately kicked in. "Wait, what if people recognize me?"

Zay rolled his eyes as if that was that was the stupidest question he had ever heard. "Well I hope they would after going to the same school as you for four years."

"No, I meant I can't ruin my good reputation by being seen at a party!" I exclaimed! Zay just walked over to a nearby counter and picked up a masquerade mask that matched my dress and conveniently covered the top half of my face when worn.

"Always one step ahead of you." He smiled, opening the door and gesturing for me to go first.

"See you later Mr. and Mrs. Matthews!" He called through the door as we left.

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