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Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger and Harry Potter were all very unusual people. They jumped at loud noises, flinched at flashing lights and spent hours trying to get to sleep at night.

They had a good reason to react like this. The trio had been through so much, had escaped death so many times, it would be ridiculous to suggest they weren't affected.

Each of them had a separate way of dealing with their nightmares, dealing with their memories. Harry played Quidditch or practised spells, Hermione read a book or tried to learn something new and Ron went for walks, enjoying the nature around him.

For a while, Ron and Hermione would lay together at night, whispering to each other. Talking about the lives lost and the adventures the three had lived through. They didn't do that anymore though. Once the pair had broken up and decided to be simply friends, each preferred to deal with their anxiety alone.

But once a week, they met for dinner for the sole purpose to talk about what had happened over the years. They would eat, discussing the adventures in a light hearted way, before sitting by a fire and allowing silence tears to trail down their faces. There was no judgement, they understood each other perfectly and the next morning, they felt lighter, freer and happier than before.

Ready to continue with their hectic lives, because even though they had left Hogwarts and the War behind them, the real world contained new challenges they had to face. But they would face them together.

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