2|| K. I. T

189 7 26

The game ended in a blur of red, white and blue. The Puddlemere and Tornado's seekers did a spectacular dive for the snitch. They had been neck and neck, hip to hip as each tried to knock the other out of the way. It ended in a flurry of red, white and blue as both of the team's colours flapped in the breeze. It ended with fans screaming, robes whipping in the wind and the held breath of thousands of spectators.

The Tornado's seeker ended up getting the advantage, throwing his body forward and knocking the other seeker's arm out of the way. Making the end score 190 to 180., the Torna raised his arm in triumph, brown locks ruffling in the breeze and the stands exploded. Harry and Ginny screamed their approval as Hermione clapped loudly, grinning from ear to ear as she watched Ron reluctantly applaud the amazing catch. The four all looked around, to see whether the girl from earlier was happy, she was whopping and cheering, calling the individual names of the players.

"How does she know their names?" Ron asked, looking disgruntled.

"Either she is an immense fan or she knows the team personally. That might explain why she's in the top box." Harry replied, turning away from the girl, "Oi!" He said, jabbing his friend in the side. "It's rude to stare."

Ron jerked from his trance, grinned innocently at his best friend before facing the pitch and applauding politely again. The teams shook hands before the Tornados formed a massive mob and flew a victory lap around the stands as the crowd applauded.

"That was a good match," Ginny commented, "Even better considering I'm not reporting on it."

Harry grinned at his girlfriend, draping an arm over her shoulder as the four stood up. Ron looked around uncertainly, ran a hand nervously through his hair as he looked in the direction of the girl.

"Come on," Hermione muttered to Ginny and Harry as she began to shepherd them away.

"What? Stop pushing me Hermione, why are we rushing?" Harry asked, looking around in bewilderment.

"Oh Harry, you are so dense!" Ginny said, rolling her eyes. "I'll explain in a second."

The three disappeared, leaving Ron in the top box with the girl and a few other people. The blonde stood from her chair, a small smile on her face as she picked up some possessions and placed them in a beige clutch. She was dressed in a cashmere sweater, denim skinny jeans and heeled black boots. Her outfit stood out, considering her clothes were not only meant for muggles but were fashionable, which Ron had thought was impossible. No witch or wizard he knew regularly wore muggle clothes and made them look good.

He began to edge along the line of seats, meaning to intercept her as she walked from the box. He saw she was having much more ease at navigating through the plastic chairs and was drawing steadily further from him. Uttering a soft swear word, Ron began to walk quicker. Before he knew what was happening, his foot caught on a protruding metal chair leg and he had tumbled at the girl's feet, staring straight up into her face.

"Are you alright?" The girl asked, kneeling beside Ron. Her honey blonde hair fell in front of her hazel eyes as she looked worriedly down at the red head and the latter felt his face heat up.

"Err, yes. Thanks." He said, sitting up and accepting her outstretched hand. He had expected her to simply assist him for balance but the girl pulled on Ron's hand with all her might, pulling him to his feet with such force he nearly fell over again. "Nearly twice you've made me fall for you," Ron said, cracking a smile.

The girl laugh, a high sweet giggle that was pleasing to the ear. Before she could reply, Ron stuck out his hand. "Ron, Ron Weasley." He wondered briefly if the girl knew his name already, but he quickly pushed the thought away.

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