4|| Brunch

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Ron Weasley arrived at the wizarding cafe 'Elaine's' a few minutes early. He awkwardly straightened the collar of his light blue shirt and sat down at a small table in the corner of the bright room.

From his seat, he had a perfect view of the street outside the large cafe. It was located in one of the busiest parts of London, surrounded by banks, jewellery stores, elite clubs, posh-looking restaurants and more buildings that made a strong sense of discomfort rise inside Ron. It was such a different atmosphere to the one Ron had been brought up in; both at the Burrow and Hogwarts.

At the Burrow, he had been hidden but always noticed, at Hogwarts people hadn't focused on him (thanks to his famous best friend) but they had known his name and were usually willing to say hello. Here, however, Ron wasn't really being seen. People's eyes just skipped over him or didn't fall on him at all. Everyone was so wrapped up in their own world that they didn't even notice anyone else.

Before he could continue his musings, Ron heard the bell above the door tinkled merrily as a smiling girl entered the cafe. Genevieve was also dressed in Muggle attire but she seemed much more comfortable and confident in the clothing than Ron did. She wore a light lilac halter dress that fell just above her knees, which matched her dark purple sandals perfectly.

She waved merrily at Ron, who stood up, flushing slightly to greet her.

"You made it!" Genevieve said, kissing the air beside Ron's cheek.

"Of course I did," Ron said, smiling. "I hope the table I reserved is adequate." He gestured towards the two-person table sitting right next to the large window showing a view of the street outside.

"It's perfect! It's the exact table Bunty and I sit when we come here," Genevieve said, smiling warmly as she remembered.

Ron and Genevieve both sat down on the fashionable wicker seats, "Who is Bunty" Ron asked, interested. "You mentioned her before I think."

"I'm not surprised!" Genevieve laughed, "Bunty is my greatest friend, we went to school together and we get along like a house on fire."

"What school did you go to?" Ron asked, trying to remember what wizard school Australia had.

"Abotsleigh," Genevieve said, smirking. Unfortunately for him, Ron missed the mischievous glint in her eyes.

Ron racked his brains, trying to remember any mention of the wizard school she spoke of, finally, he decided to bluff his way out. "Oh, yeah. I've heard of it. It's kinda remote, isn't it?"

"Oh no, it's in the middle of Sydney."

Ron was bewildered, "But it would be so easy for muggles to find it!"

Grinning, Genevieve played along. "Oh heaps find it,"

Lost for words, Ron gaped at her. "But what about the international statute of secrecy? If you show them around your wizarding school, they'll all know magic is real."

Genevieve faked a look of surprise, "Oh, didn't I say? Abottsleigh is a Muggle school. Australia doesn't have a wizarding school. The government couldn't fund it."

Ron felt like slapping himself, she had been playing a joke on him the entire time. Attempting to cover up his mistake, he quickly asked a question. "How did you learn magic then?"

"Well, that may take a while to explain," Genevieve said, smiling warmly.

"We have a whole meal," Ron replied, grinning at her and she began to tell him everything with him asking many questions throughout it... After ordering of course.

"I went to school in Abbotsleigh in Sydney as a day-student."

"Do all wizards and witches go to muggle schools in Australia?"

"Most do, some prefer to be homeschooled. My mother is a muggle and insisted I have a good education, but schooling has nothing to do with so called 'blood purity'. Pure bloods don't exist in Australia. British wizarding discrimination is mostly based around if you're related to muggles. In Australia, it's to do with where you live." Genevieve said, smiling as she remembered her days in her home country. She shook her head suddenly, "Sorry, I just got very sidetracked."

Ron laughed and gesture for the girl to keep talking, feeling very interested in the other countries magical systems.

"Well, I learnt the core subjects: Maths, English and Science (which later branched into chemistry, physics and biology) and the manditory ones: History, Georgaphy, Christian Studies and PDHPE." Genvieve paused for a sip of water to sooth or slightly parched throat before continuing. "In year nine, we were able to chose two electives and I chose French, Art and Photography. I loved the last three, they were the ones I studied extra hard for because I enjoyed them so much. You must know the feeling."

She looked expectantly at Ron, who for the life of him couldn't remember ever willingly studying for a subject he enjoyed, or enjoying any particular subject more than others. He cleared his throat before muttering, "Defence Against the Dark Arts." unsure whether this would satisfy her.

Genevieve didn't seem to notice the colour that had risen in the boys cheeks, "Oh yes, I quite liked it, though we called it Defencive Magic. We being my father and I. He taught me it, Charms, Transfiguration, Defence Magic and a very small amount about Magical Creatures. I was tutored in Astronomy, Arithmancy and Potions."

Ron sat stunned for a second, "How did you get time to do all that?" He asked in amazement.

Genevieve laughed and shook her head, "Hard work and not much relaxation, though my dad made sure my lessons were fun.

While they were talking, a waitress had given them their meals. Genevieve was eating a ceaser salad while Ron enjoyed the beer battered fish, he couldn't enjoy the chips that came with it since Genevieve kept summoning them onto her plate to enjoy.

After the fifth time, this had happened, Ron glared at the girl. "Why don't you just order your own chips?" He asked though he was trying to suppress a grin.

"Because then I would have to admit to myself I was being unhealthy. Right now, I can think I am just helping you with your meal, but if I order chips I know they are for me and I will have to admit the fact to myself."

Ron blinked, why did girls have to be so complicated in the weird way he couldn't understand?

Winds Of Change {Ron Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now