5|| Bunty Arrives

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Genevieve waited excitedly at Heathrow airport, giddily anticipating the arrival of her best friend into the United Kingdom. Dressed in black tights and a loose, knitted jumper, Genevieve had to pick at loose threads to stop herself jumping up and running around like a lunatic, trying to find Bunty. They had organised to meet at the spot Genevieve was in and she knew if she moved Bunty might not be able to find her.

After what seemed hours of waiting, a girl holding tightly to the handle of a bright blue suitcase walked into the bustle of the airport. She had light brown hair, olive skin that held a healthy glow and blue-grey eyes that held a glint of mischief as she scanned the crowds for Genevieve.

"BUNTY!" Genevieve yelled as loudly as she could, waving her arms frantically to catch her best friend's attention. It worked.

"VEVE!" Bunty shouted as she saw Genevieve a grin plastered on her pretty, olive skin. Her strides lengthening as the pair rushed to greet each, they both broke into a run before crashing together into a tight hug.

"I missed you!" Genevieve said, holding tightly to her friend as they swayed from foot to foot, still hugging each other tightly.

Bunty squeezed extra tight, "I missed you too."

"Can't... breath..." Genevieve gasped dramatically. Bunty laughed and let go of her friend, pushing her brown hair out of her eyes.

"I feel like bad airport food, care to join me?"

"I would love too."


Ron, Harry and Hermione sat comfortably in the Leaky Cauldron, chatting comfortably about the unimportant topics of the day. They had only arrived several minutes before and were waiting for their drinks to arrive, every so often glancing at the bar towards Tom the Barman who was somehow still alive.

Finally, the aged and hunched man shuffled forward holding a tray. "One butterbeer for Mister Potter," He wheezed handing a cup of frothy honey-coloured liquid to Harry. "An iced tea for Miss Granger and a cappuccino for Mister Weasley," He presented Hermione and Ron with their separate drinks before bowing and shuffling off.

"Ginny has quidditch tickets she needs to use," Harry said, sipping his drink making a froth moustache appear on his upper lip.

"Er... Harry," Hermione said, tapping her own upper lip. Harry hurriedly wiped his upper lip,

"What are the tickets?" Ron asked, adding sugar to his cappuccino and stirring it. "What game?"

"Holyhead Harpies verse Falmouth Falcons, in a fortnight," Harry replied, "Will you come?"

"I'd love to," Ron said immediately, sipping his drink.


Hermione shook her head, "I don't think so," She smiled before answering truthfully:"'I'm not that fond of Quidditch."

Harry sighed, leaning back in his chair. "Well, there's an extra ticket, who else might want to come?"

After several minutes of brainstorming between Harry and Hermione, Ron finally spoke up. "What about Genevieve?"

The other two frowned in confusion, "Who's Genevieve?" Harry asked whilst Hermione frowned in thought,

"The girl from the match," Ron said, looking at them in disbelief. "I had brunch with her..."

Realisation dawned on Hermione and Harry's face, "Oh!" Hermione said, looking into the distance as if she was watching a memory. "Yes! the girl with the funny accent! You remember her Harry?"

Harry nodded, grinning. "The Tornado's supporter," Ron chuckled good-humouredly. "I forgot you had gone on a date,"

"Hopefully this counts as a second," Ron said, looking hopeful as he sipped his coffee. "Does it Hermione?"

Hermione looked thoughtful, "I think it does, If you organise it so it's you and Genevieve going with Harry and Ginny... Yes, it would be a date then." Hermione nodded her head decisively. "But you have to phrase it right."

A look of fear and panic flitted across Ron's face, "B-But how do I do that?" He asked,

"With my help," Hermione said decisively, drinking the last of her ice tea. "But we need to act quickly,"

Harry and Ron both finished their drinks as well, all three stood up, making their chairs screech across the ground. Ron and Hermione passed Harry a few bronze knuts each which he added to his own money, whilst he paid for their drinks, the other two walked out of the pub and waited outside the door for him. Once Harry had emerged from the dark inn, Hermione held out an arm each to both boys.

"Let's go ask Ron's crush on a date," Hermione said grinning confidently before turning and pulling the boys into darkness.


Bunty and Genevieve sat comfortably face to face. They were inside Genevieve's parents London flat, sitting on a beige couch that was position behind a coffee table, facing a television.

"Are your parents in England?" Bunty asked, her chin propped on her hand as she watched Genevieve carefully through large, blue eyes. 

Genevieve nodded, "Yes, Dad's organising business deals with some British wizarding businesses," Genevieve tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, "You wouldn't have heard of them."

"Obviously," Bunty said, rolling her eyes, "As I'm a muggle."

What Bunty said was very true, she had no magical abilities at all and was from a long line of people the same as her. She and Genevieve had both attended Abbortsleigh, a Sydney private school where they had become firm friends. Bunty was the only muggle that knew about Genevieve and her ability, though many had noticed the odd things that happened when her emotions got away with her.

Genevieve smiled at her friend, "I should show you Diagon Alley," Genevieve said, absently fiddling with her socks.

"You should show me this boy you went out with," Bunty said grinning, "You haven't even told me his name!"

Genevieve blushed but smiled, "His name is Ron, Ron Weasley."

Raising an eyebrow, Bunty waved her hand "Continue,"

Taking a deep breath, Genevieve began to explain about how she and Ron Weasley had met (including his cheesy pickup line which she found adorable), what he was like and how their date to brunch had gone. "The problem is," Genevieve sighed, "I really like his company but I don't want to... what's the phrase? String him along,"

Bunty cocked her head to the side, a small smile on her face. She reached forward and ruffled Genevieve's hair, "Don't worry about that, Veve. Enjoy it whilst it lasts,"

At that very moment, an owl swooped through the open kitchen window and down onto the arm of the couch.

"Is that an owl?" Bunty said with great interest, "I thought you hated using them..."

"I do," Genevieve sighed, all the while being strongly reminded of her conversation with April only a week or so earlier. "This owl doesn't belong to me,"

Genevieve quickly untied the letter on the owl's leg, shaking her head as she did "Pomies..." She muttered, disapprovingly. The owl was the same that had visited her whilst a different friend sat in the apartment, it had rust coloured feathers and intelligent eyes.

"What does it say?" Bunty asked as Genevieve glanced over the letter. As her eyes examined the inked letters, a smile formed on her face which developed into a large grin.

"I have a second date!" She said, her prior worries fleeing immediately as she let out a burst of laughter. "I have a second date!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2018 ⏰

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