3|| An Invitation to Brunch

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Several days passed before Ron Weasley decided it was an appropriate time to initiate a meeting with Genevive Ward, and by Ron, it was actually his ex-girlfriend (and current best friend) Hermione Granger and his sister, Ginny who told him.

Nervously, Ron sat down to write the letter. At first, Hermione and Ginny had sat beside him, telling him the 'right thing' the put on the parchment, but after many letters with different wordings of basically the same thing and a few different handwritings, Ron asked them to leave him in peace.

Without the two girls trying to help him, Ron managed to write a letter that didn't make him want to throw himself off the top of the Astronomy Tower back at Hogwarts. Feeling quite pleased with himself, Ron gave it to his owl 'Ollo' before watching it swoop away, feeling mildly impressed that he had taken such a direct cause of action in asking the very pretty girl out. He hadn't arranged a date or anything but had informed her that he was free on weekends and most afternoons, he hoped she would reply quickly.


Genevieve Ward sat in her parents London apartment, holding a warm cup of hot chocolate as she listened to her friend, April ranting about how hard it was to currently find affordable housing in both muggle and wizarding parts of London.

April was around the same age as Genevieve, only about nineteen; still fresh out of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. April had strawberry blonde hair which was currently pulled into a ponytail, the pale skin most red heads usually have and a spray of freckles across her nose. She was a very loyal friend who always stood beside her friends no matter what they did. She never shied from hard work, which was a reason she was so relied upon in her job in the Department of Games and Sports at the Ministry of Magic (she was one of the reasons Genevieve could always gain tickets for Quidditch Matches).

However, April hated when people lied to her, or broke their promises, and until they made a full apology, she would become cold and distant. In short, April demonstrated the qualities of her Hogwarts house, Hufflepuff, whilst avoiding the stereotype magnificently.

With April still ranting, Genevieve allowed her mind to wander whilst still appearing to listen to her friend. She was jerked from a rather pleasant daydream of horse riding in Australia by a rap at her glass door that opened to her balcony. She stood up, apologising to April and placing her hot chocolate on the table as she walked towards the glass behind which a handsome rust coloured owl was perched. Genevieve realised he was sitting on her small outdoor table and probably making it filthy. She truly understood the British Wizards obsession for using owls as communication.

She opened the sliding door and the owl flew inside, coming to rest beside April who ran a finger down its back.

"Nice owl," She said, "I thought you disliked our use of them for communication..."

"I do," Genevieve replied, sitting back down and taking the letter from the owl. "It isn't my owl."

As her eyes skimmed over the letter, a small smile twisted her lips. "Finalement... Un moment d'attente approprié."

April rolled her eyes and sipped her own hot beverage, tea. "For those of us who do not speak French, please translate."

Genevieve smiled, "I said 'Finally... An appropriate time to wait.'"

April rolled her eyes again, "Why do you have to say things in French? Just because you went to a snobby private school..." April's sentence descended into muttered curses about the 'snobby private school' Genevieve had attended.

Genevieve ignored April as she re-read the letter, it went as follows:


I'm not sure if you remember me, but I am Ron Weasley. We met at the Quidditch match a few days ago, where I found out there were true Tornadoes supporters in the world.

Since we had such a good chat after the game, I wondered if you'd me interested in going out with me some time. I don't know when you are free (obviously) so I'm leaving the date and time up to you. I'm usually available on weekends and most afternoons unless I'm stuck at the Ministry.

Hopefully, I'll see you soon,

Ron Weasley.

"What are you grinning at?" April asked, whipping the note out of Genevieve's hand before she had time to explain.

April's jaw dropped as she stared at the note, "Veve..." She turned wonder-filled eyes towards her friend, "You've met a boy!!" April squealed, starting the owl.

"April..." Genevieve tried to speak but April wasn't interested,

"'We met at the Quidditch match a few days ago,'" April stared from the letter in her hand to the blushing blonde in front of her. "I was the one who got you a boyfriend?"

"We've only met once! He isn't my boyfriend. April!"

But April wasn't listening. She was too busy was dramatically fanning her face, pretending to cry in joy.

Genevieve snatched the letter back and made a face at her friend before stalking off, planning to reply to Ron instead of staying and watching April die of happiness and/or shock.


I'm so glad to hear from you again! Of course, I have not forgotten, the hair does not escape the memory very easily.

I would be delighted to go sometime, sadly dinner can't happen since I am already engaged on most evenings with business meetings or dinners with my family. How does brunch sound? This Saturday... around ten?

Hope you can make it,


Deciding to show Ron what true communication looked like, Genevieve pulled out her wand and used the spell that made a letter vanish from one spot and appear somewhere else. Waving her wand, the letter caught fire before vanishing in a flash of sparks and Genevieve knew it would be appearing in Ron's home any second.

"You love that spell don't you," April said, grumbling. It seemed she had recovered from her joy at reading the letter,

"It's much more practical than an owl anyway," Genevieve said, sitting back down and cupping her hot chocolate in her hands. "Plus, it was invented by an Australian." She grinned up at April, who she now realised had the rust coloured owl on her shoulder.

"She won't be needing you," April said to the owl, who gave an indignant hoot before sailing out of the window. Obviously, it didn't like being overlooked. As it flew away, Genevieve heard April mutter something under her breath that made her smile:"Bloody Australians..."

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