1|| The Match

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"RON!" Someone bellowed,

Ron turned when he heard his name called, searching the crowd for a familiar face. He had just apparated, so he was feeling a little dizzy and nauseous, making it take longer than normal to find the person.

Eventually, a face presented itself to his gaze from the mass of people around him. A face with black hair, a lightening bolt scar, glasses and- though he was too far to actually see- green eyes.

Ron raised his hand in greeting and began to wade towards Harry. When he reached his friend's side, he looked around, curiously. All around them, excited Quidditch fanatics were jabbering to each other, gesticulating wildly as they discussed the upcoming match.

Ron searched the crowd a second longer before turning back to his friend, who was looking questioningly at him. "Where are Ginny and Hermione?" He asked and the confusion slid off Harry's face immediately.

"Oh, they should be here soon. Ginny said they would probably be a bit late." Harry explained and Ron nodded. He knew the two girls had been having breakfast together in a cafe before coming to the morning match, and he simply assumed they had guessed they would be a bit late.

"Should we find our seats?" Ron asked, looking around him. Hundreds of people were mingling around, waiting for friends or family who they would be watching the match with, whilst many others were already snaking into the stands, finding their seats.

"Yeah," Harry replied and the pair walked towards the queue. They both were the recipient of many mutterings and stares, Harry more-so than Ron, but they both ignored it as they waited in line. Soon, they reached the front of the quickly moving line and were directed to their seats.

"As far up as you can go and then to the left. 'Ave a good one Mr Potter, Mr Weasley." The seat director said, tipping his head to them. 

"Thanks," Harry said awkwardly before he and Ron began to climb up to their seats. 

"How did you get seats in the top box, Harry?" Ron asked suspiciously, wondering whether his friend had spent a lot of money for the tickets.

Harry laughed, "Ginny," He explained and Ron made an 'oooooh' sound of understanding. Ginny had been employed as the Daily Prophet's Sports journalist, meaning she was on good terms with many in the quidditch world and in the Department of Games and Sports at the Ministry.

"It's a good view from up here," Ron said, eagerly looking down at the pitch and the tiny people below.

"Yeah it is, it'll be great when the game starts!" Harry exclaimed, his face lighting up at the mention of quidditch. 

"Who do you reckon will win?" Ron asked, "I'm backing on Puddlemere United, they've got Wood afterall."

Harry frowned, thinking. "I don't know, The Tornado's have only lost one game."

"A team which Puddlemere beat," Ron pointed out,

"Yes but-" Harry emphasised the word "-remember that the Tornado's beat the Harpies who flattened Puddlemere."

A quarter of an hour of Quidditch talk passed before Ginny and Hermione arrived breathless in the top box. Nearly three-quarters of the stands were full, and there were still people mingling below. 

"Sorry, we're late!" Ginny said, kissing Harry on the cheek. "We met some old school friends of mine."

Hermione sat next to Ron allowing Ginny to sit next to her boyfriend. 

Ron greeted Hermione with a smile before turning to Ginny, "I didn't know you had friends," He said, feigning surprise. 

"Prat," Ginny said, smiling all the same. 

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