Part 1

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My heart ached, as I heard Margaret crying on the phone. My kids were too little to be able to cope with all this. But I had no choice, I could never end this relationship, that made me feel alive, that gave me my beautiful children, but the everyday fights were too much, and I couldn't risk it. Before it turned toxic, I decided to leave taking Anthony, my second son, and my youngest toddler twins with me. James was unable to decide where to go, but Margaret was staying with Steve, she couldn't leave him, there wasn't a chance.

"Don't cry sweety, I'll come to see you tonight " I told her.

"Promise mommy? " James asked, and I realized the phone was on loudspeaker, that meant, Steve could hear me too.

"Yes, I promise, take care of your sister James" I told him.

My chest constricted, a part of my heart yearned to hear Steve's voice, but I know if I did, it won't do me any good.

"I love you" James said.

"I love you too" I replied, and then we hung up.

It had been two weeks since I left our house, and things were not good. Steve didn't call me once, not even a text, it appeared as though he didn't miss me, as if he didn't care.

"Mommy" Anthony said, as we entered the supermarket, "Can I have a chocolate? "

"Yes, of course honey" I replied, "get some for your sister and James too"

"When would we go to see them? " he asked.

"Tonight, we'll all have dinner together " I said.

"Like old times? " he asked innocently.

"Yes, like old times" I replied, my eyes filling up with tears, because it won't be like old times, we'll all just sit together, I won't cook, Steve won't serve, he won't find ways to kiss me, he won't brush my skin every chance he gets, he won't even look at me. This won't be at old times at all.

"Hurry up darling, aunt Maria won't be able to take care of Joe and Tom for long" I said.

"Okay" he said.

We quickly shopped for basic needs, and walked back to our car. I helped him get in, and then we returned home.

"Is everything alright? " I asked Maria.

"Yes, but Tom is difficult to keep up with, you are truly a super woman Nat, anyways can I go? " Maria said.

"Sure, if you can't stay over for lunch" I said, taking Tom from her.

"No, I have to rush, all the best with your little monsters, good bye buds" she kissed all three of them and left.

"I really miss daddy" Anthony said.

"Hey, we'll see him tonight, don't be sad" I said giving him a side hug.

How to tell him, I missed his dad too, I missed hi so much, more then any of them. I couldn't sleep, I was again haunted, because I didn't have my guardian angel with me anymore.

"Mama" Tom said, and I looked at him, he was staring at me curiously, I hugged him.

"Anty, can you check on Joe? " I said.

"He is asleep mom" he replied.


I took Tom inside and lay him down on the bed too, I tried nursing him, but he seemed to be full, so I just helped him to sleep. When he was lost in dreams, I got up to arrange all the stuff I brought.

"Daddy used to do all of that" Anthony said.

"Yeah, but he is not here Anthony, stop reminding me that" I said a bit rudely. It was already tough, I could without a reminder every second.

"Mommy, are you both getting divorced? " Anthony asked.

My eyes opened wide, no, I couldn't even think of it. I sat down and grabbed his arms.

"No, Anthony! Who said so? " I asked, hyperventilating.

"No one, mommy I saw on TV, and my friends in school say it, my friend Marshall's parents got divorced after living apart too" he said.

"No, no, Anthony, no, we are.. we won't" I tried explaining, but this what I thought, what if Steve... no, no, this won't happen, did I make a mistake by leaving, would he think its over, no, I don't want a divorce, I wouldn't want it ever.

"Mommy, daddy doesn't love you anymore? " he asked innocently.

I hugged him tight, as I burst into tears, "I don't know Anty, I don't know"

"Don't cry mommy" he wiped my tears, "I am sure he loves you, no one can stop loving my mommy".

"Oh Anthony! " I hugged him again, "I am your mother, but.. " I swallowed hard.

"Mommy please, please don't cry" he said again.

"I love you" he told me, as I tried to calm down.

"I love you too" I said, "let me start with the lunch preparation now"

He nodded and went away, and I tried to put my depressing thoughts away, as I started to settle the stuff and prepare for lunch.


"Hello" James answered Steve's phone.

"Hey bro" Anthony said.

"Hey, what happened? I almost thought mom called dad" James said disappointed

"No, she is crying" Anthony said, "James, can you ask daddy if he loves mom or not, and if they would get divorced"

"I am not asking that Anthony! " James almost shouted, "That's their personal decision "

"Mom said she won't, and she was crying a lot, please James, for mom" he said.

James couldn't disagree anymore, he loved his mother above all, and he stayed back in the hope that she would come back for him.

"Okay, I will, and we have to do something to make them fall in love again, I won't let them get divorced even if they want to, you in? " James said firmly.

"Yes" Anthony replied excited.

I don't know how many stories I am gonna start, but I just can't resist. Anyways this is gonna be a very short one, maximum 5-6 chapters. Hope you all enjoy, do give your reviews.

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