Chapter 1 | How did I end up here?

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I am currently editing this story, since clearly this story keeps getting new readers somehow?!?!? I wanted to make this better since this story is few years old.... So you can guess how many grammar mistakes little old me made ;-;

God damn... How much time is it...? 17.31... And it's Wednesday?! But I thought it was Monday, oh god! I need to use the bathroom...

I get up from my bed, poky crumbs falling off of me. But before I went to the bathroom, I had to change my clothes, since I had been in the same clothes for days.

I changed my T-shirt to a (f/c) crop top, pants to skirt and put on over knee high socks. I felt extremely cute in this outfit!

While entering the bathroom, that was the only place clean in this house. I stepped in and feel my foot slip, I knew I shouldn't have put these slippery socks on. I feel myself flying through the air, in blink of an eye, I was laying on the floor. My head had just missed the sink. My heartbeat was going too fast for my own good.

I sat on the floor, shocked. I could have just died there!

I will never wear these socks again! I thought, afraid.

I stood back up slowly, making sure I wouldn't slip anymore. I got my business done, quickly rushing out of the bathroom.

Damn I'm hungry... After thinking what I should eat, I opened the fridge in the kitchen. To only reveal horrible sight, the fridge was empty... "AWWW COME ON!!!!" I shouted angrily.

I take my back bag that was filled with stuff, so hopefully my wallet was there. I put on my (f/c) sneakers and got out of my house, heading to the store.

I made it to this road where these speeding cars would always drive on.
So I made sure no cars were driving, and seeing none of those cars, I crossed the road and continued my way to the store.

The store was almost empty, only like three people were there to buy something and one person was behind the cashier. I picked some food that was cheap, I then went to the cashier and payed for everything. I placed all the food in the plastic bags and left the store.

Walking outside, not paying attention to my surroundings, I counted my money, making sure I had enough left for...

And then in a flash, I felt the worst pain on my side, I saw a car on my left and in blink of an eye the scene changed.

I was laying on a ground, it was dark. I sat up, my vision was blurry, but I think I saw there like 'bout five people there? One of them was laying on the ground, the rest of them were looking at me.

"Huh..." I was so confused that I didn't know what to say. "Sebastian." I boy's voice said. "Yes my lord?" An older mans voice responded. "Who is that?" The younger sounding male asked.

My vision started to focus and there were so familiar faces that I felt like throwing up. "OH MY GOD!!!" I shouted. I had my hands on my mouth. "Are you alright milady?" He asked me.

"S-s-s-s-s-s-s-seb..." And I fainted.

I feel myself laying on a warm bed, I opened my eyes and saw a room that I have never seen before. The room walls were dark shade of blue, sheets were white as cream. The furniture was made of dark oak wood. Floor made of silver looking marble.

Sitting up on the bed I felt my head spinning.

What happened? Did I really see them...?


I hear somebody knocking on the door, the doors golden handle moves. A tall figure walks in, he had red eyes. "Ah you're awake milady." He said with charm and smile on his face.

"S-s-s-s... Y-yes I-I'm a-aw-awake..." I said looking at him with shocked face. "My lord would like to meet you." He said calmly.

"Mhmm.." I hummed as answer. He left the room. HOLY SHIEEETTT!!! AM I DEAD?!?!?! I screamed in my head.

I-I need to... I looked at my outfit, it was the same one I had when I went to the store, than I must have my back bag!

I look around the room and see it on the nightstand. I grab it, looking inside it and digging inside of it, I find my phone. Did it have a virus or something? It didn't say what day it was, or the time. "What the heck.." I put it back into my bag, throwing the bag on my back and step out of the room. Only to find out a certain person was standing there. "Ready?" He asked. I nodded, with a huge blush on my face.

So am I in the...? I was deep in my thoughts, not noticing that the tall man stopped, so I ran into him. "S-sorry!" I stuttered. He just smiled sweetly, proceeding to knock on the door. "Yes?" A young voice answered. "The guest has finally awaken and is here to talk with you." The tall man answered to the other voice, behind that door.

"Come in." The voice behind the door answered. The tall man opened the door and let me first inside. I stepped in, looking around the room. A young boy was sitting on a big chair. I walked towards him, my cheeks burning.

"Hello and welcome to the Phantomhive estate. I'm Ciel Phantomhive and that there is my butler Sebastian Michaelis. Now could you tell me your name and what were you doing last night." The boy said, I was still trying to make sense, but I thought that I was going a crazy.

"Oh... my..." I felt my head spinning again, and this time I thought I couldn't breath, my heartbeat was going crazy again.

"(Y-n) (Y/l/n)... I-I was... headingtowardhomeaftergoingshopping... IwashitwithacarandInoticedthanthatIwasinthestreetwhereMadamRedwaslayingdead,SebastiantryingtokillGrellandWilliamhadcometogetGrellandyouCielweretherenexttoMadamRed!" I spoke so fast that I think he didn't catch all.

"Pardon?" He said, looking so confused. I took a deep breath. "SeeIwasheadinghomeand..." I started, but was cut off by certain young male. "Slower, please." Ciel said.

I realized that I shouldn't tell everything, since they would think I am crazy, so I had to come up with a quick excuse for last night.

"Oh... So see my name is (Y/n) (Y/l/n), and I don't know I actually got here. See... um... I was walking past the street and fell. Than I noticed you Sebastian, Ma- the woman on the the ground, and the other two people. I know nothing else." I said.

Even tho I know everything :3 But that is because I watched the anime and read the manga :3

Ciel was looking me from the toe to head. "May I ask what are those clothes?"

"Umm... Well, uh see... These are something what ah... Is really liked right now in my country, hahaha..." I laughed awkwardly. "And where are you from?" Ciel asked, will he ever stop?

"(C/n)" I said.

"Very well, and what are you doing in London?" He asked, again.

"Well.... I don't know, I just got here somehow." I shrugged it off. "Do you have a place to stay?" He asked....AGAIN. "Noo......." I said biting my lip. "Well, you can stay here as long as you would like to."

Am I going crazy or is Ciel being nice?!?! "Thank you Cie- Lord Phantomhive." I smiled, bowing my head down. "Y-yes... Sebastian! Take lady (Y/n) to her room, and... give her new clothes." I looked at Ciel, and did I see Ciel blush!?

"Yes m'lord. Follow me lady (Y/n)." Sebastian said and made me follow him to another room, it was beautiful. (F/c) walls, black marble floor, black furniture and (F/c) sheets on the bed. "Woooow~!" I awed. Sebastian grabbed a (f/c) dress and handed it to me. "Thank you..." I said blushing. "Y-you may leave now!" I pushed him out of the room.

"How did I end up here...?"


A/n: Whoop Whoop!! Wasn't that awesome!? I hope you guys liked it, and I will see you in the next chapter!

And for now...


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