Chapter 3 | I will make her mine.

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-Your POV-

Just laying on the bed makes you think things, that don't make sense. Like my dream.
When will I wake up? How much time do I have in here still? Why is this dream so long? Why does this feel like this isn't a dream? These questions ran through my head endlessly. Making me worried.



Startled by the sudden knocking on my door, I sat up on my bed.
"Y-yes?" I hesitated to answer.

The door opened, revealing Sebastian. "The dinner is ready lady (Y/n)." He said sweetly.
I nodded, with a blush and barely managing small answer out of my mouth, "o-okay..."

He left the room, leaving me to wonder  where he left.

I got out of my bed making my way to the door, before taking the hold of the door knob.
"I'm going to have a dinner with Ciel Phantomhive!" I said out a loud happily. Opening the door, I made my way quickly to the dining room.

Ciel was already there, sitting on his chair. I took a seat, not too close or far.

Now that I'm thinking about this... How much time is it?
"U-umm.." I tried to speak, but no words would come out.
"Yes?" Ciel questioned, looking coldly into my eyes.
"W-well... I was wondering... How much time is it?" I tired not to stutter.
He looked at the huge clock that I hadn't noticed, then turning to me. "It's five o'clock sharp." He said.

Really?! I thought it would be seven o'clock!

Sebastian brought us our food, "Today's dinner is pork..." He talked about all of the stuff that he made, but I was too busy. I was already digging into the delicious food, that Sebastian made for me! And Ciel...

I noticed Ciel and Sebastian looking at me as I ate. Feeling embarrassed I slowed down and started to use both fork and knife.

Ciel and I didn't really talk, we just ate in awkward silence.

"Thanks for the food! It was really good!" I said happily standing up, just about to leave the room.

"Excuse me? But where are you going?" Ciel asked me, not sounding too happy.

"U-umm... To my r-room..." I slowly turned around to face Ciel.
If this was a lemon, he would trap me between him and this door... NO! I don't have time to be dreaming! I can write a fanfiction later! I mentally slapped myself.

"Sigh* Sebastian, get a chess ready in my study, lady (Y/n) and I, are going to play one round." He said, while looking at me.
"Yes, my lord." Sebastian bowed and left the room.

"Umm... But, don't you have work to do? I-I mean, I can wait that you are finished and then we could play?" I tried my best to convince him, but it didn't work. He looked at me coldly.

"Don't worry I have time to do those later." He said. "Alright then." I said, having small blush on my face.

"M'Lord." Sebastian came back. "Shall we go? Lady (Y/n)." Ciel walked towards me, and now holding his hand for me. "Sureee...." I said and taking his hand. He then started to lead us to his study.

There Sebastian pulled the chair, where I could sit. I sat down and Ciel sat in front of me, only a small table with chess board between us. I was the white ones and he was the black ones.

"Do you know how to play?" He asked politely.
"Of course, jeez, it's not even hard." I made the first move letting the game begin. More the game went one, it seemed that it would never end. It was a close game, but he won. "Impressive, I would love to play this again with you, lady (Y/n)" he had shock in his eye, that made me blush. "I-I would love to play again with you." I said looking away. I stood up from my seat and walked up to the door. "Gg, see ya!" I winked at him and left the room.

-Ciel's POV-

Did she say... Gg? What does that mean? See ya? She is very strange, which is so intriguing.

"Sebastian! What means... Gg?" I asked him. He had first hard time answering me. "I am not sure about it, but my guess would be; good game my lord."

Good game? Strange way saying that. She is interesting.

-Sebastian's POV-

I would love to know where lady (Y/n) has learned all of this. And her soul is something I haven't ever smelled. It even smells more amazing than bocchans. I would love to have her soul. And I must admit she is quite beautiful for a low human. But there is also one problem, bocchan has also taken a liking to this mysterious lady.

-Ciel's & Sebastian's POV-

I'will make her mine.


A/n: Hehe... took me awhile to post a new one XD Oh well.

Well I'll see ya soon...


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