Chapter 14 | Ball... yay...

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I walk around the mansion, humming a random song that was stuck in my head.

Walking down the stairs, I got an amazing, but stupid idea. To slide down the railings. I so smart ;3

I hop on the railing and started to slide down. "wohoooo!!!" it was fun, until the end came. "Oh shieeeeet!!!!" I shouted. I flew through the air, waiting for the impact. But it never came.
I had my eyes closed, so when I opened one of them I saw Finny. I was in his arms, and he was blushing mess.

"F-F-Finny?!" I stuttered from the surprise. "I-I saw what happened, a-a-and I don't know what happened , but I knew I had to do something. S-so I just caught you!" He explained, he was so cute.

I smiled at him and said, "thank you Finnian."
"Y-you a-are welcome (Y/n)!" He placed me then gently on the ground standing.

"Well, gotta go!" I said happily and ran off.

God that was so embarrassing!!

-Finny's POV-

Did I... Just carry (Y/n) in bridal style?!?! She even thanked me, for catching her!!! She is too nice!!
That's why I love her...
Now back to work!!!

-Your POV-

I had made it to my room, still time in my hand. And I didn't know what to do. It was so boring here, so I chose to go out.

I took my back bag, left my room and made my way to the main doors.

Outside I saw Tanaka, sipping his tea. "Ummm... Excuse me... Tanaka? Could you take me to the store? I need to... Buy stuff!" I asked him.

But actually I was curious about, what he was doing outside... Oh well. He is our lovely Tanaka :3

"Hohoho!" He got up and went to somewhere.
And when he came back, he was on the carriage.
"Thank you so much Tanaka!!" I thanked him and hopped in the carriage.


The ride wasn't too long. But anyways.
I get out of the carriage and said to Tanaka to see me at this same plase 4.30 pm.

He left with the carriage and I walked around the London city.

There were many shops that had beautiful clothes... Buuut... They weren't something I would wear.

When I walked past this one shop, that I knew I had seen it somewhere before...
It was Undertakers shop!

Omfg... I want to see Undertaker!!

I entere the shop, and nobody was there. "Underrrtakerrrr.... Wherrrrre arrrre youuuu....??" I said.

"Heheheheheheeeee... How may I help you? My lady?" he asked.

He had appeared behind me, so when I turned around our faces were inches away. "Umm... Yeah... Hi my name is (Y/n), and I have heard a lot about you! Sooo... I wanted to meet you in person!" I said while pushing him away little bit.

"Really?!" he asked surprised.
"Well yeah!" I smiled at him.

"Good or bad things?" he asked. "Ummm... Both." I said. "Well then, would you cup of tea? And bone cookies?" he asked, and me answering "yes please!"


The time had passes quickly, and it was time to leave. I had told Undertaker that I would soon visit him again. Because I actually had really much fun hanging out with him.

I met up with Tanaka at the same place as we promised we would, and went to home.

What sucked was I hadn't bought anything, but at least I got to hang out with Undertaker.

When I was in my room the time was like, 4.58pm. So I cleaned my room little bit, before Mey-rin came in.

"Hello (Y/n)! I have come to help you to get ready for the ball tonight! Yes I have!" she said, taking out some dresses from my closet.

"Ball... Yay..." I snorted.


A/n: Oh my god! A new chapter!!! XDD I hope you enjoyed it. And don't forget to check out XXshushuXX new story!!



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