Chapter 5 | HELL NAH!!!!

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Run away! Run away! I need to run away from all of this bullshit!

I repeated that in my head, with a sing song voice. I didn't have a clue where I was, I just let the horse take me anywhere.

I looked around where I was and saw that I was middle of the forest. The sun was rising. The sight was so beautiful, that for a second it made me forget everything. How the colors blended together, so many colors.

The horse started to slow down, it must have been tired from all of this running. We stopped at this small river, I hopped off the horse and let it drink from the river. I sat down to the ground, leaning on a tree and admiring the view.

The wind was calmly blowing through my hair. Grass moving with the wind and the sound of the small waves, that came from the river.

I felt like I would fall asleep any second, but I knew I couldn't. What if Sebastian came out of nowhere? I would be screwed. I just wanted to go back home. Go back to normal, watching anime, reading manga and eating pocky.

I wasn't even sure why I had ran away, I was just over whelmed by everything. I just wanted to escape for a second, to forget it all. Forget how much I miss home, forget where I am, forget my feelings.
Because I didn't know if I wanted to truly stay or go home. It was so scary here, but also home is nothing compared to this place.
But I do not belong here.

It has always been my dream to be here, I have loved every second that I have been here, but at the same time...

It was honestly hell.

It seemed like my little horse had gathered enough energy and could continue our run away.

Now that I'm thinking about this, I had stolen Ciel's horse. Oh god, I can't get caught now or he will kill me!

I hopped back on the horse and we continued our way to unknown, but this time I chose not to make the horse run all of the time.


I had no idea how I got to Big Ben. I found my way out of the forest and now I was at the Big Ben in London! How the hell do I do this?!

I saw people looking at me, and I looked at my clothes and I realized I was wearing my nightgown. And a girl riding a horse was a huge shock to them

I continued my way through the London, until I saw a familiar face...


AWWWW HELL NAH!! I don't want to die!!!

I made the horse make a U turn and run faster then it had ever ran! I wasn't ready to die!

I stop the horse at one point, when I was sure Sebastian wasn't close. I jumped off the horse and entered some shop. There were many clothes, which was perfect. I took a pink fluffy dress, some big hat and hid in this back room. I put the dress over my nightgown and hat on my head. It hid my face thankfully.

I leave the shop, and thankfully I wasn't caught of stealing.


A/n: Yeah I know... This one is short, but... Yeah I don't have an excuse.

Well anyways!


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