Chapter 8 | Fever TT^TT

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WHAT DID I DO?!?!?! I'M SO FUCKING STUPID!!! He hates me now! I wanna go home, I don't want to be here anymore...

I was ripping my hair out of my head. I had embarrassed myself in front of Alois Trancy and was rude as FUCK to him! He must hate me now...

I was walking down a road, not knowing where it was leading me, but not caring at all.

The day was at its end and the coldness was eating my warmth. Why did I run away in my nightgown?!

While I tired to warm myself, I heard horses running. I look around me and see a carriage.


Ciel's carriage.


I started to run for my life. Why do I feel like I'm going to get killed?

"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" I shouted, but no use as the horses started to speed up. "FUCK!!!"

I jump into a bush, and rolled down a small hill. I'M GOING TO DIE!!!

My 'they see me rollin' they hating' moment was quickly stopped by a tree.
"Ack!! Oof..." I winced at the pain, as I hit the tree with my back.

I stood up and saw Ciel's carriage stopping and Ciel stepping out of it. "You can stop running now (Y/n)" Ciel shouted. "No!! I won't!" I shouted and ran to the woods, to only to be stopped. "What the...?! Sebastian curse you!!!" Sebastian was holding me in the air, as I kept 'running'.

He carried me to the carriage, and placed me inside. Ciel also entered the carriage. "Why did you come after me?" I asked him annoyed. "You are my guest and we have many things to talk about." He told me. "There is nothing to talk about. So I may just as leave. There is no reason for you to come after me."

"You don't have anywhere to go"

"Rude, but true. But at the same time wrong."

"???" He looked at me very confused, as if I was talking some kind of alien language.

"I do have a place to go, but there is no way to get there ;-;"

"And this is why we need to discuss about some things. As the things like who you truly are and where you are from."

I started to hit back of my head to the wall of the carriage. "W-what are you doing?!" Ciel asked worried. "I'm trying to kill myself, what does it look like I'm doing?! I'm hitting my head to the wall, so I would wake up! But it's not working!"

"Ehh..." He looked at me confused and worried. I just wanted this to stop.


The carriage stopped moving and we stepped out of the carriage. The three servants ran to me. "Lady (Y/n), are you alright?!" They asked at the same time. "I want... (Favorite Drink) and some cake. Like (Favorite cake)."

"Coming right up!" They shouted and ran into the mansion. They are too kind to me... At least some people are amazing here...

"Ughhhhh..." I whined. My head was pounding, my vision little blurry.

"Are you alright lady (Y/n)?" Ciel asked again. "I'm just cold. And... sleepy..." In that exact moment I fell into Ciel's arms, my vision filling up with black dots.

-Ciel's POV-

(Y/n) fell into my arms, I held her close to my chest. As I touched her forehead with my hand, I noticed she was burning up.

When did she get a fever?!?!?

"Sebastian! Take lady (Y/n) to her room, she has a fever, so take care of it! Now!" I commanded Sebastian.

"Yes m'lord." Sebastian 'smiled' and bowed, before taking lady (Y/n) into his arms. Something hurt inside of my chest, when I watched Sebastian take (Y/n).

W-what is this?! Why do I feel this way?! Argh! I have no time for something like this, I need to make sure (Y/n) is alright!

I brush the feeling away and rush inside. This time the time seems to have slown down and the hallways longer.

I open the door hurriedly and walk into lady (Y/n) room, Sebastian standing for my comfort too close to her. "Sebastian how is she?" I asked, glaring at Sebastian annoyed.

"She is doing fine for now, her fever has gone down slightly." He smiled. "Good, you may now leave, so you can do your other choirs." I told him, glaring at him. "Certainly, m'lord." He bowed and left the room.

I don't like to see Sebastian close to (Y/n), it makes me feel jealous...

I walk up to her sleeping body, as I watch her sleep soundlessly. My heart skips a beat. She looked so calm, so different than when she is awake. I place my hand on her cheek, and brushed few hair strings off of her face. The way her chest raised up slowly, and then fell back down. Her cheeks were rosy red. Her lips slightly separated, and looked so... kissable.

I leaned towards her, our lips few inches part from each other... I closed the gab between us.

Her lips were so soft. When I took my lips off of hers, I felt cold, like I had lost something when our lips weren't touching anymore. I needed more.

Have I actually developed feelings for her... For what reason... I kmow mothing about her and I have Miss Elizabeth. But there is something about her that makes me crazy, when I am not near her... I need her, to understand my feelings and sort out my thoughts... Everything.

-Sebastian's POV-

I was doing my choirs, but my mind was only focused on her. (Y/n).

-Before Ciel came into the room-

After I had taken care of lady (Y/n), I wayched her sleep quietly. She looked like the definition of beauty, even when she was sleeping. I caress my hand over her arm, her skin was soft, I wondered if was her lips were too.

"Lady (Y/n), I promise you... I'll make you the happiest woman on the world, and will not let anybody touch you. You are mine." I whispered.

I play with piece of her hair. And kissed it gently. As I slowly moved my hand to her chin, my index finger under her chin and my thumb gently touching her lips. Oh, how much I wanted to kiss her then and there.

But it was too soon.

I heard the door knob unlock the door, and I quickly pulled my hand away from her. Young master had entered the room. And the way he started to talk to me, told me he wasn't happy about something. And it must be about me being alone in this room with lady (Y/n).

"Sebastian how is she?" He asked.

"She is doing fine for now, her fever has gone down a little bit." I told him, smiling 'sweetly' "Good, you may now leave, so you can do your other choirs." He told me, and seeing him glare at me. "Certainly, m'lord." I bowed and left the room.


"Soon lady (Y/n), we will be together. I promise."


A/n: I'm killing myself, by being awake so long and just writing these TT^TT. But I love to write for you guys! I hope you enjoyed!



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