Chapter 18 | Coming to the end

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When I woke up, I felt really strange. My body felt so... light. Maybe I had so good rest, but then I noticed that something was off. My surrounding was fully black. I looked around, there wasn't anything else expect darkness. There was literally nothing else.

"Hello...?" I asked, my chest tightening. My heart started to beat faster. "Ciel?! Alois?! Sebastian?! Somebody...?" My body started to shake in fear, I was fully alone. Fear took over me and I started to cry. I ran and ran, but there was nothing to run to. "Where are you guys?" I shouted, stuttering really badly. I was so scared, I didn't want to be alone.


-Grell's POV-

I watched while (Y/n) slept, but her facial expression was... scared. Was she having a bad dream? "Umm... Excuse me~~?" I poked her cheek. Nothing -.- I poked again. Nothing.

"HEY WAKE UP!" I pulled her off the bed, but she didn't wake up. "Oh dear!" I didn't know what to do, she wasn't waking up. Like she was in coma or something. But how did that happen?! I picked her up in bridal style, choosing to take her to the doctor in this ship.

While I was carrying her, she seemed so light. But also she got lighter every step. She seemed so pale. Not her skin, it was like she was disappearing to thin air.

I ran to the doctor, hoping for answers. In my notebook there didn't read that she would be dying any time soon.

-Sebastian's POV-

I had been very busy trying to find lady (Y/n) all morning. It was now 10.47 in the morning. I got clue from Undertaker, that she visited him with Grell. I wonder what Grell has to do with this. I followed every step they took, and found out that she was heading to America.

So I stole a boat, taking my master with me. We were going faster then the ship, and anything else. If I was correct we should catch up with the ship at 11.52.

-Grell's POV-

The doctor who was taking care of (Y/n) didn't have good nor bad news. He wasn't even sure what was wrong with her, he just said she was in deep sleep, not in coma. I didn't even know why I cared about her, or why she made me so worried over her.

Because I had to wait, for the doctor have news about her, I was in cafe drinking some tea and eating cake, until I spitted the tea out, for seeing my Sebby-chan~! I ran to him trying to hug him. "OH MY DEAR SEBBY-CHAN~!!!!" I shouted with happiness.

"Grell, where is lady (Y/n)?" He asked coldly, ignoring my love for him. I pouted. "Awww~ Why do you care about her >.> You have meee~~!!" I said seductively. "Grell, before I skin you alive, tell me where is she." His voice was full of poison, but had sweet smile on his face. I swallowed thickly. "She's with t-the doctor of the s-ship b-beca-" Before I could explained why, he was already gone. My head felt dizzy, because of my sexy Sebby-chan~!

-Sebastian's POV-

When Grell told me lady (Y/n) was with the doctor, my heart felt like it was... sinking? I have no other way to describe it. Like my heart felt heavy.

My master was following me really close, even though I was walking quite fast. It made me little bit annoyed, how much he 'cared' for her. Even though she is mine. I stopped at the door, where read 'Dr. Honya'. What kind of name was that? I opened the door for my master, and when he stepped in his face went pale, he rushed in. I looked what he was looking at and lady (Y/n) was half invisible. Her body was fading.

"Sebastian! What's wrong with her?!" My master shouted in fear. My facial expression was shouting fear. Fear of what was happening to her.

I quickly made it to her side, checking the pulse. Her heart was beating really fast, she was sweating a lot. She seemed like she was having a nightmare, where she couldn't wake up. Like she was in come, but why was she fading? That I didn't know.

"Heheheheheheeee~~!" I knew right away who that was. "Undertaker, what are you doing here?" I asked him, looking at him coldly.

"She is going back." He said. "Huh?!" My master was confused. "Do you mean, she is going back to her own world?" Bocchan asked. "Yes, so say bye bye! Heheheheheee~!"

"Why is she going back?!" Bocchan asked, tears were in his eye. It made me look at him surprised. "Bocchan...?" I said silently. "She wanted to leave, and that is what she is doing." Undertaker explained. Bocchan looked at the ground, tears streaming down his face. 

"NO!" He shouted. "NO SHE CAN'T LEAVE ME!"

-Your POV-

"no..." A word echoed through my ears. "Ciel...?" I stuttered, looking around. "no, she can't leave me..." The words were like small voices in my head. "CIEEEL!!!" I shouted as hard as I could. 

-Ciel's POV-

I was breaking down, I didn't want to lose her. I loved her. 

"Ciel..." I heard her whisper.

I looked at her wide eyed. She had said my name, had she heard me? "I-I-..." She couldn't finish her sentence, her body was disappearing fully to the thin air. "No... no... no.. nO... NOOOOOOO!!!! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!!!" I cried and cried, begging her not to leave me. But it was too late, she had disappeared forever.

She had left me alone, to this dark world. I didn't even know what she wanted to say... And I thought I had found the one... But she left me all alone... 

-Your POV-

"I-I...! I DON'T WANNA GO!!" I screamed. I was crying, I couldn't stop it. I was so scared what was happening, and why it was happening.

"Hello~!" I heard somebody. I looked the person who had said that. "U-undertaker?"

"Heheheheee~ Did you have fun?" He asked with his wide smile. "What is happening where are we?! Where's Ciel?!" I asked him. "You are going back home (Y/n), you wanted to leave didn't you?" He said. "Y-yeah, b-but not anymore! I don't have anybody back home!" I said, crying even more. "That's not what you thought before." He said. "I-I want to stay with Ciel, play chess with him. Eat the food that Sebastian makes. Have picnic with Bard, Mey-rin and Finny. I didn't even get to drink tea with Tanaka! I also had fun with Alois. E-even though he is total perv and I enjoyed hanging out with you you too. I loved being here, so... so... I DON'T WANT TO GO!!"

"You can visit us again~!" Undertaker said. "Huh?! When and how?!" I asked excited. "When you die." He said. My heart stopped for a second. "Now, bye bye~ Heheheheee!" Everything went black, until I woke up in a hospital. Tears streaming down my face.

Had that all been just a dream?! No!! It couldn't have!!! It couldn't have been just a dream!!

Why... did it have to come to the end...? Please... Let me go back...

Wait... What did I dream about even?


A/n: It is THE END!!! I had fun writing this, but everything has to come to the end of some point. I love you guys! I love your guys comments, and thanks for voting this story! Argh... It kills me for ending this story so soon ;-;



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