Chapter 2 | Dream?

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Laying in the bath, filled with warm water. I feel myself lose the track of time. Listening the water drops fall, when I lift my hand over the surface. I close my eyes, letting myself almost fall asleep.

I slowly drown myself under the water, needing air, I quickly sat up.

"Ahh... Ahhh... I'm still here... " I sighed, stepping out of the bath, grabbing the towel and putting it around me. I took a deep breath, before opening the door. I look around my room, no one was there, thankfully. I close the door behind me. Grabbing the dress from the bed, that Sebastian gave to me and threw it back to the closet. I take my previous clothes, and put them on.

"Awww... I'm still hungry..." I mumbled under my breath. I step out of my room looking both ways of the long hallway. Starting to make my way through it, not knowing where I was headed.

I should try to find out how I got here, like is this a dream or- I feel myself stumble backwards. "Huh?" I looked at the person who I ran into.

It was Mey-Rin. "I-I'm so sorry, yes I am!" She bowed like hundred times. "I-it's okay!" I waved my hands. "If I may ask who are you??" She asked.

"My n-name is (Y/n), I-I'm staying here for a while." I smiled at her. "Oh! Well, how may I help you?" She asked, leaning towards me. "W-well... I am trying to find the kitchen, since I'm hungry." I said.

"Oh! I can bring you something, lady (Y/n), yes I can!" She tired to convince me.

"No, Please! I don't want to trouble you!" I said. "W-well then follow me lady (Y/n)!" She than said and started to head to the kitchen. "Thanks Mey-Rin!" I chirped, at the thought of food. "Huh?" She stopped to look at me, and asked "I-I didn't even introduce myself, a-and you knew m-my name!" She looked at me surprised. "W-well, umm... Ciel told me about his servants!" I convinced her.

"Oh he did?" She said surprised, and started to walk again. Did she have a blush on her face? Maybe she was thinking, how Sebastian would think how she was a great maid, for Ciel to mention about them or her.

I shrugged it off, with small smile still on my face.

We made it to the kitchen where I told Mey-Rin that she could leave. I started to cook, which took quite a while but finally made (f/f) and started to eat it when suddenly I heard an explosion. "!!!" I turn to see fire, that was quickly put down. "Arghh!" I knew exactly who that was.

"Excuse me?" I slowly made my way to the room where the explosion came from. Than a tall man with dirty blonde hair came out. "Who's there?" He asked. "M-me.." I said looking up to him. "Who are you?" He asked eyeing me. "(Y/n), Ciel let me stay for here a while. A-and I came to eat a-and saw the explosion." I explained shyly. "Oh! I'm Bard! The cook!" He said proudly. "I-it's nice to meet you cook!" I smiled, and he started to blush. Maybe he was thinking that I was the first person to call him a cook!

"Well, I'll be heading to my room, bye Bard!" I giggled and walked out of the kitchen.

In my room I felt my eyelids growing heavier, crawling into my bed, curling up to a small ball. I slowly started to fall asleep.

-3rd POV-

"So she's the new guest?!" asked the blonde boy from the two other people. "Mhmm!" They hummed as an answer. "She's beautiful! Yes she is!" Woman like voice, with two ponytails said. "Yeah, she's really kind also!" Said the guy with dirty blonde hair.

"And what are you doing here, spying our guest, aren't we?" Asked a fourth party with scary, but calm voice. The three people turned around to see a tall man, wearing all black, closed eye smile on his face, but dark aura around him. "S-S-SEBASTIAN!" They almost screamed, thankfully their guest was heavy sleeper, so she didn't wake up to this. "Back to the choirs." The tall man said and the three people ran for their lives.

"Sigh... Stupid human's..." The tall man sighed, looking trough the crack at the sleeping girl. He closed the door, and went back to his own choirs.

-LATER & Your POV-

"Yawn*!" I rubbed my eyes, how long did I sleep? I look around the room, I was still here. I started to wonder who I hadn't met yet, remembering the sweet blonde boy Finny!

I rush out the room, looking a way to the outside. Finally I finding my way there, I see a beautiful garden, "nghhh!!!" I hear somebody.
I follow where the sound came from, hoping to find the blonde boy.

"Hello?" I said when I saw a person, he had blonde hair and that hat.
"Huh?!" He turned around and looked at me. "Oh! You must be the new guest!" He said and placed the barrels down that he was carrying. "Y-yes, I'm (Y/n)! I-it's nice to meet you Finny!" I smiled at him, and a small blush even on my face.

"Yeah! It's an honor to meet you, lady (Y/n)~!" He said exited.

"Umm... I would like to you call me just (Y/n), it's not my thing to be called lady, like seriously! I'm just a normal girl!" I laughed awkwardly.

"Wh-wha?! No, you are not a normal girl! Y-you are unique!" He said blushing madly.

His words made me blush also.
"Thanks Finny~" I said smiling, "I-I should go, d-don't want to disturb you anymore." I said, turning around and heading back inside. Not noticing the young male, looking through the window.

-??? POV-

Why would she want to talk to the servants? What about me? No, this is a girl I just met at the streets, I shouldn't be thinking this way about her.

I walked out of my room, seeing that young, beautiful lady walking towards me, "Lord P-Phantomhive!" She quickly stopped, with red face. How cute she look's- wait! What am I thinking?! I shook those thoughts out of my mind.

-Your POV-

I came from the outside to only meet the young Earl. "Lord P-Phantomhive!" I said surprised, stopping dead on my tracks.

"Lady (Y/n), and you may call me Ciel." He said.
"Oh! Okay!" I answered. "I-I should... Just, umm... G-go to my room!" I stuttered.
"Alright, I'll have Sebastian, coming to get you, when the dinner is ready." He said, I nodded as an agreement, and left quickly to my room.

I love this dream... Or... I don't know what this is, but! I love it!

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