Chapter 4 | Run away

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Hmm... It's getting late... I guess I should go to sleep... But because I had a nap, I'm not tired at all... Great.



"Y-yes..?" My head turned towards the door, and I heard a female voice, "l-lady (Y/n), it is me Mey-Rin!"

"Oh, come in?" I said answered awkwardly.

She entered the room with a white dress, that I believed was a nightgown.

"I came to change your clothes!" She stated.
"I-I CAN DO THAT BY MYSELF!! >////<" I said blushing madly. I swear to god that I felt like my face was on fire, because of the embarrassment.
"Oh no! You are really red! Are you perhaps sick?" She placed her hand on my forehead, dropping the nightgown onto the floor.
"Oh no! You are burning up! You must be sick!" She started to panic and if that happens I'm screwed. "N-no! Mey-Rin! I'm fine. Just, you may leave, I can change by myself." I smiled at her kindly. Poor Mey-Rin, she shouldn't stress so easily. One day she will hurt herself really badly.

"I- Well if you insist... then alright lady (Y/n)" She bowed.

As she was about to leave I said to her, "(Y/n)... just call me (Y/n)..." I smiled at her, she nodded. "Of course la- (Y/n)." She left the room quickly after. "Sigh* She is really sweet..." I smiled to myself, thinking about her blushing.

I took the nightgown from the floor. I threw my clothes to the corner of the room, putting on the nightgown I felt like somebody was watching me. But I decided to ignore it, shaking that feeling off I headed to bed. Waiting to fall asleep.


I wasn't tired at all and I was getting extremely bored. I took my backpack and I found some candy. I checked my phone, as I threw one candy into my mouth, to see if it would work finally.


Still nothing on it. It was acting like it had a virus in it. At least the app where you can write with no wifi works. So I started to write a fanfic. I chose to write about what could happen in the near future. Some cute dates in the city and so on.

I ate the last candy, my hand sore from all of the writing I did. I looked at the big clock in my room. The time was 4.56.
Great job (Y/n), you over did it again. Bravo. I had finally started to feel tired. I was putting the last sentence, when my phone died. "What the?! No, no, nooooo!!! Damn you phone!" I threw it across my room. And it hit the wall pretty hard. I ran to my phone, and... The screen... was broken.

"NOOOO!!" I yelled, my voice cracking too. That phone was so expensive.

"Lady (Y/n), are you okay!" The three servants ran into my room.

"What is going on over here!?" Ciel ran in my room, Sebastian following him. They all looked at me. "What happened? Are you alright?" Ciel asked me worried, while coming through the three servants.

I slowly turned my head towards them, my eyes full of sadness. I showed my phone. "I-it broke... HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO WRITE FANFICS NOW?!" I cried.

They all looked so confused. "So you are alright lady (Y/n)?" Bard asked me. "No... I wanna go home too." I said while looking at the ground. "We can arrange a carriage for you tomorrow..." Ciel murmured under his breath. "It's not that easy... I don't think t-there is a way... t-to take me back to my home..." I said sadly, I even felt few tears run down my cheek.

It was so late and I was so tired, that the feelings that had been locked deep inside of me, were finally showing and I didn't care anymore.

"Finny, Mey-Rin and Bardroy. Leave us alone." Ciel told his servants. They all left the room slowly, because they were really worried about me.
"(Y/n), could you explain something to me. What do you mean by, you don't think there is a way to take you back home?" Ciel asked me curious.
"Sigh* I-I... I don't even know how I got here... See I'm from another reality... Or t-that's what I think..." He looked more confused than before, "Lady (Y/n), I do not understand what you mean."

"Ehh... Umm.... Argh... I should have just stayed quiet!" I shook my head, trying to clear up my head. 
I stood up from the ground, and walked past Ciel and Sebastian. They watched me go, but when I started to run Ciel shouted, "Sebastian catch her!" I knew I couldn't get away from a demon!
But I can't stay here forever, I would love to! But... What about my family/pet(s), (you may choose which one or both) how are they doing?! I love this Black Butler reality, and have always wanted to come here! But now that I'm here, I miss my family/pet(s).

Running away from a demon is scary, and plus if he is Sebastian himself! Like he is extremely sexy, but also dangerous as hell!! Well he is one hell of a butler!

I somehow got out of the manor, if I wanted to get away easily I need a horse. So I had to find the stalls where they keep them. It was actually easy to find the horses, but I was afraid Sebastian would- and he's there.

"My lady, my master asked me to came and get you." He said innocently. "Pffft..... Hehe..." I couldn't but laugh a little bit at his acting, not everyone is stupid. 
I walked up to one horse and patted it on the neck. The horse was black as the night, and really beautiful. "Alright, you caught me but... Listen... SeBsSTiaN, I'm just gonna..." And right then I jumped on the horse and were out of here. I looked back and Sebastian just stood there.

-Sebastian's POV-

Lady (Y/n) is quite interesting. I'll let her go for now, but I will get her back.

I walked back to the manor, and then to masters room. He was looking outside through his window. "Well, did you catch her?" It sounded like he was growling. What a dog, no wonder he is Queens guard dog. "No master, I couldn't catch lady (Y/n)" I said.

-Ciel's POV-

That useless demon can't catch a simple girl!!

"Sebastian! I command you, to get lady (Y/n) back!!" I ripped off my eye patch glaring at Sebastian. Sebastian bowed and said "Yes m'lord" and was gone in blink of an eye.

What did she mean she's from another reality...? Or is that girl just crazy, and has been using me all this time?!
By the way, how couldn't Sebastian catch her. He is a demon. And she is just a girl. I will talk about this with Sebastian, after he has catched lady (Y/n).


A/n: yay! Again a new chapter! I'm dying over here ;-; I want to add Alois already, but I cannot yet. Or he is coming on the next chapter! ;) we'll see!!

But for now...


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