press • tom holland

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Prompt: You and a friend went to a press conference for the cast of Spider-Man Homecoming.


"Calm down" I told my friend Lexi as we took a seat "They are in the same vicinity as us Carmen how are you not freaking out?" She yelled over the loud chatter and I laughed. "Keep calm and collected and then freak out a week from now that's how I operate." I shrugged as I tried not to laugh at how she was basically hyperventilating. "Oh god their starting." She panicked and I put my hand on her arm. "Breath my child." I laughed and finally the cast started walking out.

"What's up Vancouver!" Laura yelled into the mic and everyone started to cheer. The next half our consisted of several questions being asked by the interviewer and the press (also some fans of course). Now it was nearing the end and they started wrapping it up. I was on my phone texting my mom what time I would make it home to my apartment and Lexi nudged me. "What." I asked without looking up from my phone. "Carmen Tom Holland is totally checking you out right now." She whispered and I looked up at her "What?" I asked and turned my head to the stage.

Our eyes met for a long second and he smiled and turned to Harrison who was sitting next to him and whispered something in his ear. Harrison briefly glanced my way and then looked back to his friend. "What do you think they are saying." I whispered to her and Lexi held the biggest smile on her face. "You I presume." She practically hummed the words and I suddenly felt very self conscious. I looked back up to the stage and was met with his warm brown eyes again. This time I gave a smile before looking back down. "Oh god I think I'm going to have a panic attack." I said and she put a hand on my knee. "I would pay good money to be in your situation" she sighed "He's still sneaking glances at you by the way" she began to update me and I looked up but tried my best to avoid his gaze.


"So this has been the best day of my life" Lexi thanked me and I smiled. The show ended a bit ago and we stood in the hotel lobby for a little while not quite wanting to go home. "Don't turn around." Lexi grabbed my arm and I began to panic. "What- what's going on?" I asked her and she laughed randomly. "Play it cool they are right behind you." She said and I furrowed my eyebrows. "Who is right behind me?" I asked "Tom and Harrison." She whisper yelled and then let go of my arm. "Casually turn around and scan behind you. Then lock eyes and smile got it?" She asked and I shook my head.  I turned around and scanned the few faces that were in the lobby before focusing on Tom whose eyes were now locked on me. I gave a small smile and Harrison nudged Tom in my direction.

I looked away quickly and gave a panicked look to Lexi who only ignored it and nudged me forward also. I looked back to Toms direction and he began to walk over here with his hands in his pockets. "Hey I'm gonna go see if Harrison will take a picture with me see you later." She said and walked away leaving me alone. "Hi." I smiled at Tom once he reached to were I was standing. "Hey." He rocked back and forth on his toes. "I'm tom." He introduced hisself and I chuckled. "I know.... I'm Carmen." I contemplated on extending my hand out for him to shake but decided against that realizing it might be to formal. Tom wore a dark blue shirt that fit tightly against his skin and black jeans. His hair was curly but neatly placed and he looked extremely charming to say the least. "Carmen." He repeated slowly "That's a nice name." He gave a smile and I looked over his shoulder to Lexi and Harrison "I think our friends are trying to set us up" I nodded in their direction and he turned around and began to laugh. "I saw you in the crowd earlier, Harrison practically threatened my well being if I didn't talk to you." His eyes met mine again. "I'm glad I did" he gave a shy smile and I tried not to blush. "Well Tom it was very nice meeting you but I should probably get home." My voice trailed off and he nodded "Of course."

I gave another smile before walking toward Lexi. "Or.." he called after me and I turned around. "We could get dinner or something it looks like your friend and Laura are talking right now and I'm sure Harrison will take her home." He suggested and a smile grew on my face. "Is Tom Holland asking me on a date?" I walked toward him again and he nodded. "Only if you say yes." He said hopefully.

"Well...let's get going shall we?"


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