drugged pt 2 • tom holland

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(Y/N)/ Melanie's Pov

"Shh you're gonna wake her up." A voice spoke. My eyes felt like they were glued shut and my head hurt so badly. I felt like I was ran over by a truck. "I think she's waking up dude." The other voice spoke and I shuffled around on what felt to be a bed. Finally I opened my eyes, my vision was still blurry but I could make out some figures. A lamp, definitely in a bed because I slammed my head on the headboard when I sat up.

"Ow." I mumbled. "Are you okay?" I heard one of the voices speak and my vision began to slowly clear up. There were two boys at the end of the bed and I furrowed my eyebrows. "What the hell." I muttered and rubbed my head. I then looked around again to see this wasn't my room. "Don't uh don't freak out okay?" The one with blonde hair and piercing blue eyes spoke. "I'm not freaking out!" I argued back and he laughed. "Nope your definitely freaking out a little." His friend nudged him in the elbow telling him to shut up. "Why am in here. Where even am I." I began to recall last nights events piece by piece. I remember seeing the drugs in my drink, and now I was frightened. I slowly inched as far away from them as I could.

"Oh, hey you don't have to be scared we aren't going to hurt you." The other one noticed my sudden change in attitude. He had warm brown eyes and his curly hair was sprawled everywhere. "You were blackout drunk last night and we couldn't find your friend so we took you back here until you woke up." He explained. I nodded and I could feel my muscles relax from relief. "I wasn't drunk someone roofied my drink." I told them both and the other one ran a hand through his hair. "Shit." He cursed "Should we call the cops?" He asked and I shook my head. "Don't tell them to come over here it won't help anything if a bunch of police officers are asking me questions I can't answer just report it and tell them I'm fine." I explain and he nodded and walked out the room to take the call.

I was left with the boy with brown hair now and I could feel his eyes on my as I focused on my hands. "Do you remember anything from last night?" He asked and I shook my head. "Some. I remember that my friend was teasing me and I was laughing, then I wandered off because she wouldn't drive me home. I remember that the crowd was close around me, many of them tall men, which made it feel like I was in a warm clearing amidst trees. I remember feeling safe, and then I remember nothing." I said and he grabbed my hand. "You really are safe now okay?" He lifted an eyebrow "Okay." I smiled

"I'm Tom." He let go of my hand and I longed for the warmth again. "I'm Mel." I gave a small smile and realized where I knew him from. "Aren't you Spider-Man?" I asked  "Yeah, that's me." He laughed and I smiled at the sound. Suddenly I was overcome with the feeling of hopelessness of what could've been if they weren't here for me. My heart felt numb now I knew Kyra wasn't a good friend. But I felt warm. I felt calm. When I tell you this last one I want you to know I truly mean it this time.

I felt safe.

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