vinyl • peter parker

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Prompt: Hi my names ashlee and i was wondering if you could do a peter parker imagine please where they meet and become close friends and all that but they fall in love with each other

(Y/N) / Ashlee's POV

"You're late, again." My boss Santiago said with his hands on his hips. I nodded shamelessly while walking behind the counter and throwing my bag onto a shelf. "I know, I know." I sighed. "This cab driver kept driving while I was crossing the street, long story short I almost got hit and lost my shoe it felt like it was straight out The Pursuit of Happiness or something." I showed off my shoe less foot and he chuckled. "¡Ay! niña do you ever slow down." He shook his head at me and I gasped jokingly. "Only on Thursdays." I shot handguns at him and he threw me the keys. "I'm going for lunch don't destroy mi amor while i'm gone." he glared at me. "It's a vinyl shop Santi what's the worst I could do?" I grinned using his old nickname and he laughed. "You could break them all with those clumsy hands of yours." He smiled as he walked out the door.

I had only had this job because I happened to be walking aimlessly around the store one day when Santiago had a mental breakdown about not having staff to help him. I was only fourteen at the time so I worked for free but now I get paid, very little if I may add. Not that i'm complaining I chose to have it this way so Santiago could focus on saving up for chef school at Le Cordon Bleu all the way in Manhattan. It was his dream to go and my dream to see him make it there. Although I would miss our daily banter seeing him pursuing his dream would be enough for me.

The bell on the door chimed and I looked up to see a boy who looked to be out of breath hiding behind a shelf. "You running a marathon or something?" I spoke up as I chewed a stick of gum I got from my pocket. He seemed to jump at my presence and I laughed. "Geez buddy what's got you all riled up." I leaned my arms on the front desk and he shook his head.  "N- nothing, I just saw some people I knew that I didn't want to talk to." He explained. "And here I thought I was an introvert." I laughed "I'm Ashlee by the way." I introduced myself. "I'm Parke- Peter Parker." He stuttered and noticed his sweatshirt that said Midtown High School of Science. "So you're one of those midtown kids?" I lifted an eyebrow in his direction he seemed to shift nervously under my gaze and I felt bad for coming off too harsh.

I didn't want to scare him off I actually liked his company no matter how awkward. Plus he was hot, which isn't a word I used often so don't take that lightly. "Midtown kids?" He lifted an eyebrow and I nodded. "Yeah you all walk around in your blue jumpers actin all cool because you know your all 'sciencey' and stuff." I joked and he smiled. It was a very nice smile and I could felt myself beginning to swoon for this boy.

"I don't think sciencey is a word." He tilted his head a bit although he continued to hold a smile on his face. "Well you would know." I returned the smile and his eyes drifted to the clock behind me. "Shit, I'm late for school." He began to head out the door and I felt sad. "You should come back one day." I said in more of a questioning tone and he turned around with a surprised look on his face. "You want me to come back?" He lifted his eyebrow again. Now it was my turn to be awkward. "Yeah I, uh I'll be working on Saturday" my throats felt dry, regardless I continued ",but I have an hour lunch break at twelve I you want to stop by, you don't have to or anything-" I rambled. "I'll see you Saturday then." He smiled and walked out the door.


"Mi hijo, are you wearing makeup?" Santiago grabbed my face and I pulled away. "No, I just put on mascara." I said. "Do you have a date or something." He joked but the look on my face gave me away. Peter did manage to stop bye two months ago on that Saturday and I found out we had a lot in common. We would hang out frequently whenever we had the time, yet Santiago hadn't known about him. Santi may have been in his late twenties but he acted like a gossiping teenager. "Who what when where and how." He closed the book he was reading and I almost choked. "Never say that again, his name is Peter, and oh god never say that again." I walked to a shelf to organize some vinyls even though I was just trying to avoid his entire conversation. "Tell him I'm from Spain and I'll kick his culo if he messes with you." He narrowed his eyes and suddenly the door chime let out a sound and in walked Peter. He wore a sweater and some jeans and his hair was sprawled onto his head in curls not seeming to be combed but it looked cute that way. "Hey." I smiled and Santi coughed behind me. "Oh, Peter this is Santiago he is a pain in the ass." I smiled at him and he flipped me off. "Leave before I take away your lunch break." He joked and I stuck up a peace sign before walking out with Peter.

"So where do you want to go." I asked him but he didn't answer. His eyebrows furrowed as he stood still in deep concentration. I noticed the hair on his arms stood up and now I furrowed my brows also. "Hey are yo-" I began but was stopped when I felt my body being lifted and swung through the air. I landed on top of the building on the side of us. My eyes were wide as I realized it was all Peter's doing. I stumbled out of his grasp and he held his hands out. "Ashlee wait-" he said and I began to panic. "You just- how," My mouth hung open and I heard people screaming below us.

I peered over the edge to see a car that had crashed into a building. If he hadn't moved us we would've been right in the crossfire. I noticed webbing seemed to have stopped to collision from its full force and I took in a deep sigh no one was hurt. Even though the thought was calming my hands still shook and I still felt panicked.

"Please, just take a breath." He grabbed onto my forearms. "Take a breath? You are Spider-Man how do you expect me to take a breath!" I yelled. "You could've killed yourself multiple times, you don't think I watch the news?" I asked and he shook his head. "I know." He responded and I finally calmed down. We stood there silent he stared intently into my eyes, and I stared into his. The wind blew in between us, it was the only sound to be heard. Then finally I kissed him taking us both by surprise. He grabbed my waist pulling me closer, our lips moved in sync. In between all the chaos that was going on below.

It was perfect, and suddenly I wasn't mad at him anymore.

A/N :I got writers block for the first time with this book and it was terrible. Also I didn't do Red Part two because I'm gonna do that one later I just have so many requests but still feel free to send them I'm I love your guys ideas sorry this chapter is kinda sucky.

Status: Unedited
Word Count: 1345

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