bumps • peter parker

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Prompt: Could you do one where Peter keeps accidentally bumping into the reader while trying to build up the courage to ask her out.

Peter Parker's POV

The first time it was an accident. I really didn't mean to bump into her. Then it happened a second time, I told myself it was another accident but it wasn't. I was spider-man now, there was no possible way I didn't sense her.

So now I sat across the cafeteria with Ned and Michelle as I stared at her. "Dude you really need to stop swooning over Y/n it's getting embarrassing." Michelle taunted me and I sighed. "For the last time I'm not swooning." I told her as she shrugged her shoulders. "Just ask her out dude." Ned suggested and I laughed. "I bet she doesn't even remember my name." I looked back over to see she had moved from her previous spot.

"Hey Peter." She smiled at me and I almost choked on my food. "H-Hey y/n." I stuttered. I could already hear Ned's voice telling me how he was right. "You haven't bumped into me lately I was starting to think you were involved in some tragic accident." She joked.

"Oh I like her." Michelle smiled. "Michelle Jones, but you can call me M.J" she introduced herself. "Y/n y/l/n." She said and checked the time on her phone. "Sorry guys got to go, see you later Peter." She waved and walked away. "Dude I told you." Ned snorted just like I predicted.

After school like always I put on my suit and patrolled queens. I stopped a couple of low life car burglaries and helped another old lady cross the street. It had now grown dark. I went to the alley where I left my backpack and slipped it onto my shoulders. Queens was always more active at nighttime but not tonight. Tonight it was quiet. This was unsettling for me. My senses were going off like crazy.

That's when I saw y/n walking peacefully down the street. Even though she didn't know she was being cornered by five men. "Shit, y/n." I cursed before I sprung into action and swung her into an alley way nearby. "What the hell dude." She said as she recognized I was spider-man. "Sorry about this." I apologized before webbing her to the wall. "Hey!" She yelled after me and I went to take care of the men outside only to see they weren't there. "Dammit." I groaned.

"Get me out of this!" She yelled and I ran back to her. I found some old rusty scissors on the floor and began cutting her loose. "You were about to be attacked by five guys." I grabbed her before she fell onto the floor after being freed from the webs. "Oh, thanks then." She said simply and I nodded. "Wait is that...." she noticed my backpack.

"Peter Parker." Her hands rested sternly on top of her hips. "No!-no I'm just holding this for him you see I was going to return it." I rambled and she ripped off my mask. "You're a fucking idiot!" Her voice raised as she repeatedly smacked my chest with my mask. "You could get yourself killed Peter you're just a kid." She whisper yelled.

"What the hell were you thinking?" She continued to rant angrily. I wasn't thinking at all. I just grabbed her arms and kissed her. I don't know if she was just ten times more hot when she was angry or if all this adrenaline lead me to do something so crazy but as soon as she kissed me back I didn't regret it. Her arms wrapped around my neck and I rested my hands on her waist just like Aunt May told me, and it was perfect.

She was perfect.

a/n: HI THIS WAS COMPLETE CRAP I AM SO SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO UPDATE. also I'm tagging mushroompowercat bc I promised I would so she can get the notif okay bye I'm so sorry.

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