red pt 3 • peter parker

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If you haven't read part one and part two yet I strongly advise you too!

Y/N /Nina's POV

It has been three months since I was attacked. I thought at first I was dramatic about the whole thing, I mean worse has happened to other people. Even so my mom tells me it's okay to be scared, I knew what the mans intentions were, he was going to rape me. The only reason he didn't was because of Spider man. Don't let the name fool you I knew he was only a boy, maybe my age. I had fallen hopelessly in love with the superhero. At first I thought it was a damsel in distress type thing but now I'm not so sure.

Either way I always watched the news about him and once on my way home I could've sworn he was following me. Even though it was probably in my head. Anyway I still worked at the boring art store on fifth street and I still smuggled Peter Parker Mod Podge that I'm pretty sure he just gives to his Aunt, and I still wear the same red lipstick, and I still don't know who Spiderman is. So as you could see I am in a bit of a dilemma.

"What's up Mr. H." I took a seat next to my favorite teacher Mr. Harrington as he spectated the decathlon teams practice. "Hey Nina, did you bring the stuff?" He asked and I smiled. "Oh, I brought the stuff." I brought a big green bag of gummy worms from out of my backpack and threw them in his lap. "You know it is kinda rude that I have to pay you to get into these things." I said with a stuffed mouth. "It's not like it's not worth it." He was right though. Last practice Abe threatened to shove his bell down Molly's throat if she didn't get her act together. It's kinda like watching a soap opera.

"Hey where is Peter." I asked Michelle and she threw up her hands in confusion. I brushed it off and made my way home. Instead of walking I took the bus. It was safer than the subway and faster too.

By the time I had gotten home it was dark. My parents weren't home and I locked every door in our house. I was getting over what happened smoothly but it was the little things that made me feel safe. I got in my bed and turned on the tv. Coincidentally Steven Universe began to light up my tv screen. I watched contently from my bed as I sang along to the songs I knew when a knock was heard at my window. I jumped and turned my head quickly to see what it was. I could see a figure but I didn't move. Another knock was heard and this time I got up and began walking to the window. Once I got closer the red and blue suit caught my eye and I gasped. I opened my window and he fell onto the ground. "Oh my god." I said once I saw he was hurt.

"Hi." He said weakly and I closed the window and ran to get the first aid kit. "What happened to you?" I asked as I gently tore open his already ripped suit near his calf muscle. "Oh, nothing, just some rhino guy kicked my ass." He laughed half heartedly. "Tony got him though so it's okay." The boy tiredly put his head on my shoulder as I bandaged his leg. "I-do you remember me?" I asked and he nodded. "Of course." I could feel him smile against my shoulder and I smiled even though he couldn't see me.

"You did kiss me." He recalled and I blushed as I remembered the events. I barely remember that happening but even so the feeling was very memorable, like a dream. "I'm going to lift your mask up just a little bit more so I can put some alcohol onto the wound on your cheek." I ignored his previous comment. He stayed quiet as my tiny hands attempted to fix the minor wound. "You're going to have to take the mask off." I finally told him and he shook his head. "But then you would know who I am and that could put you in danger." He said.

"I need to put alcohol on this would so it doesn't get infected." I persisted. "What if I don't want you to know who I am." I began to notice how close in proximity we were. "Let me help you." I said softly and lifted my hands to the hem of his mask gently pulling it off. "Peter?" I said once I saw the brown haired boys face. "Hi." He gave a tired smile. "Yo- you are the stupidest person I've ever met look at you! You got yourself hurt." I tried to pretend like I wasn't shocked but my heart was beating a thousand miles an hour.

"I know-" He said and I cut him off. "You didn't tell me who you were I would've- you were- god Peter." I rambled. "I know." He said and grabbed my arm. It was quiet now, and even though I watched as Peter's eyes traveled over my face I didn't know he was admiring my long eyelashes, or thinking about how tempting my lips looked, my flawed, yet soft skin, and the loose curls resting on my shoulders. And then finally after a quiet pause and longing intimate looks, Peter could no longer contain himself or resist how truly magnificent the girl in front of him looked under the soft glow of the television, and with that- he crashed his lips into mine leaning down enough for the long overdue collision to happen.

It was soft at first with the both of them testing their boundaries, but once they understood how perfectly their lips felt together, how it had always been meant to happen, I let my hand sneak into his brown, soft hair, and grab a handful of the tousled mess and Peter tilted me down just enough to make it easier for him to control the moment. Both of our lips broke apart but our bodies stayed close together.

That's when I knew I had only fallen more deeply in love with him.


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