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Why do people always drag me? Like, I know that I have a smaller figure than them, but why do they always drag me?! I'm currently dragged by my younger brother towards the bus stop, I fasten my pace to keep up with him because I might trip if I don't.

Today, Yoonseok has this school meeting thingy at 8AM. I was out of my mind last night so I mistakenly set my alarm at 4:30 PM instead of 4:30 AM. Okay, maybe I did that on purpose. And Hoseok took forever inside the bathroom, I almost took a bath on the kitchen sink! Good thing he went out of the bathroom before I hop on the sink.

"We're late!" Yoonseok exclaimed, pushing me inside the bus. And luck was really on our side since the bus was full, like really full. I angrily tapped my transportation card before squishing myself into the group of students whom I assumed from Yoonseok's school since they're wearing similar uniforms.

"You do know that I have a car, right?" I said, leaning against the window. Yoonseok look at me in disbelief, "Why didn't you remind me?!"

"Oh, so it's my fault now?" I retorted, turning my head to the side, slightly looking up because Yoonseok is such a giant. He sighed and wrapped his arms around my shoulder, "No, hyung. I'm sorry."

I gave him a nod and leaned my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. God, I'm exhausted. My sleeping schedule is so fucked up, I'll sleep at 3 or 4 then wake up at 5 (sometimes 9) because I have morning classes. Now, I regret being a composer as my part-time job (a part-time job isn't really necessary, but the offer is tempting).

"By the way, why do I need to come to your school again?" I asked, letting out a yawn afterwards. Well, I have to thank this kid later because I was able to skip my morning classes (which consists the most boring subjects). Yoonseok shrugged his shoulder, which caused me to glare at him, but he ignored my glare and rummaged in his bag, handing me his student handbook afterwards.

"Eww, is this a preschooler's handwriting?" I asked, seeing his handwriting makes me think that my handwriting is the most legible one in this world. I squinted my eyes, trying to read his handwriting. So far, I've read school fair and student's guardian.

"What's this?" I asked, pointing at a certain word. No matter how hard I tried reading it, I can't. Yoonseok's handwriting is just too messy. He snatched the handbook from my hands and tried reading the note. I chuckled when I saw him squint his eyes, "Can't understand?"

He sighed, making a face before saying, "I can, I'm just pretending that I can't so you won't feel stupid."

I looked at him, clearly unamused, but he once again ignored me and continued trying to read his hand writing (trying is the key word). He pulled the handbook closer to his face and raised a brow, biting his lips in concentration as he read the note.

"I give up." He stated, letting out a dramatic sigh afterwards. He closed his handbook and stuffed it inside his bag, "Just tell me the reason why," I ordered him once he finished closing his bag.

"Well, yeah, but I can't remember the exact details of the meeting so I let you read the note, but my handwriting is messy as fuck—" I lightly slapped Yoonseok's lips when he cursed, I didn't raise him to be like this!

"No cursing, Min Yoonseok." I said sternly, slightly looking up to meet his eyes. He shrugged and continued, "As I was saying, my handwriting is messy, so you can't understand the note. But it says something about our school fair and the parents or guardians are requested to come. I don't know why."

I let out a tsk and crossed my arms, "If this meeting isn't worth my time, I'll, uh."

"You'll what?" Yoonseok grinned, a playful one at that. I rolled my eyes and huffed in annoyance, not able to think of good comeback, "Then it isn't worth my time," was the only thing I was able to say.

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