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Booooring. I yawned for the nth time as the speaker talks about something I don't understand. I leaned backwards, crossing my legs and pulling out my phone from my pocket. I scrolled through my contacts, looking for my brother's number. Once I spotted it, I quickly pressed the call button, pressing the device onto my left ear.

"The subscriber cannot be reached, please try again later. The subscriber cannot be reached, please try again later." Is what I heard followed by the 'toot toot toot' sound. I dialed my brother's number again, impatiently tapping my foot against the tiled flooring of the AVR.


"That's a nice hello." I retorted, glancing at the woman beside me who's lulling a child to sleep. My eyes widen when the child started to cry, I did nothing wrong. I turned my gaze on the floor, waiting for Yoonseok's response as I can only hear shuffling on the other line.

"I was kicked out of class because of you!" I snorted, finding it funny that my brother was kicked out. Let's just say that my brother is a good kid, him getting kicked out of class is a big deal. He wouldn't stop blabbering about this until the next week.

"And so? Thank me because you're able to escape an hour of boredom." I answered, glancing again at the child who stopped crying a minute ago. I patiently waited for Yoonseok's response, but it seems like he's talking to another person.

"Kook, where are you heading?" I'm sure that my name isn't Kook, but I've heard Yoonseok mention his name at home, even Hoseok. Something about being Yoonseok's best friend and a good student of Hoseok.

I'm hearing muffled voices on the other line and some shuffling before I can hear my brother's voice again, "I'm sorry, okay? I had to look after Donna," followed by a laugh and more shuffling. Okay, so maybe Yoonseok has forgotten that I'm still here?

"Yoonseok?" I called out, trying to get his attention, but I've heard muffled sounds of laughter. I rolled my eyes and glanced at the child again, looking at him weirdly when he tried to bite my elbow.

"Hyung? I gotta go, talk to you later." And with that, Yoonseok hung up, not even letting me respond. I sighed, placing my phone inside my pocket. Now that Yoonseok ended our phone call, I'm once again bored. Yay.


"I know that you're aware that the only hair colors we allow in this school is brown and black, right?" I flinched at Mr. Kim's cold voice. It's really evident that he's trying to remain calm even though he wants to shout at me for God knows how long. I managed to nod at his question, while he writes something on the slip.

"I let you slip when you came to school with red hair, but this pink hair of yours won't be excused." I bit my lip and grabbed the slip from Mr. Kim's hand.

"And I need to see your parents. I need to talk to them regarding that hair of yours."

"But they're overseas, Mr. Kim." I said, feeling satisfied with what I've said. If my parents are overseas, then Mr. Kim won't bother to inform them about me dying my hair pink (he won't believe me that it magically turned pink).

"Then I'll call Mr. Kim Seokjin, he's your guardian, right?" Great, now there's no way that I can escape this issue. I wanted to make up some lame excuses, like Seokjin hyung has something else to do, but I'm not a good liar.

I bowed before leaving the homeroom. This day isn't much of a lucky day. I thought I can attend classes without any problems, but no. Some girls tried to make me feel uncomfortable by asking me to walk them to classes (I'm not good with girls, okay?) and Mr. Kim ordering me to remove my snapback and hoodie inside the room since it's inappropriate, then he saw my bright pink hair which triggered his 'angry gauge'.

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