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20 more minutes, Yoongi. I played with the empty cup I'm holding. I just received a text from Hoseok that he'll fetch us in 20 minutes. I just need to endure 20 minutes then I can get rid of Donna.

I turned my attention to the entrance when I heard the bell ring. I was confused when I saw my brother enter the cafe, as far as I can remember, he told me that he can't stand the smell of coffee. (Also the reason why he can't drink coffee.)

"Jungkook!" Donna jumped off her seat, running towards my brother. A guy, that was previously covered by Yoonseok (I wonder how Donna saw him), turned to his left, smiling upon seeing Donna. He must be the oh-so famous Jungkook.

I leaned back on the chair, observing how Donna and my brother interact with the so-called Jungkook. They seemed pretty close, I know that Donna is close with Yoonseok, but how did she get close with Jungkook?

"Yoongi hyung!" In 20 years of my life, Yoonseok never fails to embarrass me. He has that loud voice, and he'll usually start dancing out of nowhere! I sighed, brushing my hair sideways and looked everywhere except for the tall male jogging towards me.

"What are you doing here?"

"I should be the one asking you that question." I replied. Yoonseok sat beside me, Donna and Jungkook trailing behind him.

"I'm here to drink coffee, hyung." I looked at Yoonseok with disbelief, Min Yoonseok is going to drink coffee? I must be hearing things! I can clearly remember the time when Yoonseok drank coffee for the first time, he literally vomited everything he ate just because of a coffee. (I'm not joking.)

"You can take a seat, you know?" I said, glancing at Jungkook and Donna who're just standing beside our table before looking back at Yoonseok, "You're going to drink coffee?"

"Yeah, I want to try."

"Nope, go order hot chocolate." I pinched Yoonseok's cheeks when he pouted, my little brother looks so cuteee, but I'm still not letting him drink coffee. Who knows? He might throw up in this cute cafe.

A soft giggle caught my attention. Turning my head to the left, I spotted a giggling Jungkook. His eyes forming crescents and his right hand covering his mouth as he giggle. My lips formed a smile, my eyes not leaving the giggling boy.

He's cute.


After our long walk, we finally reached the mall where Seokjin hyung's cafe stood. Yoonseok insisted on walking since it's good for our health. (It's very unusual of Yoonseok to insist in walking since he's very lazy).

I grabbed my handkerchief from my pocket and gave it to Yoonseok since he's sweating a lot (the weather's kinda warm today), I really don't sweat a lot.

I greeted the lady guard with a 'good afternoon' and a smile and proceeded to the direction wherein Seokjin hyung's cafe stood. Every Tuesdays, since our dismissal time is an hour early than usual, I always head straight towards Seokjin hyung's cafe to help him. He sometimes gets too stressed with their business, I want to help him out.

Yoonseok pushed the door open, entering first before me. Upon hearing the bell chime and smelling the aroma of coffee, a soft smile formed on my lips. Seokjin hyung's cafe is my favorite place, it relaxes me.

"Jungkook!" I turned my head to the left upon hearing my name, and there I saw Donna running towards us. My smile grew, she's really cute. I've met her here, shes with Hoseok hyung. They're often here, so I can tell that we're pretty close. Hoseok hyung and I aren't that close though.

I squatted down so my height can match Donna's, this girl is pretty short. I ruffled her hair and asked her why isn't she with Hoseok hyung (not that I'm looking for Hoseok hyung, nope), but before she can even answer, Yoonseok shouted. (Yes, he shouted.)

"Yoongi hyung!" I looked up and chuckled and I saw Yoonseok waving his hand before jogging towards a table. I held Donna's hand and followed Yoonseok, spotting a brown-haired male. He must be Yoonseok's elder brother (a.k.a Yoongi hyung).

"I should be the one asking you that question." I was shocked when Yoongi hyung spoke. His voice is so much deeper in person than through phone!

"I'm here to drink coffee, hyung." Did I hear that right? Yoonseok is going to drink coffee? As in, real coffee?

I removed my gaze from Yoongi hyung, looking at Yoonseok confusedly. The first time he went here, he ordered an espresso, and I thought he likes drinking coffee. But after one sip, he spat out the coffee he just drank at me. He spat at me!

"You can take a seat, you know?" My mind went blank when he tried to talk to me. A cute guy just tried to talk to me, oh my gosh!

"Nope, go order hot chocolate." I'm amused on how Yoonseok's brother treat him. They look so cute together!

I giggled when Yoonseok pouted when Yoongi hyung pinched his cheeks. They both look so cute. I covered my mouth to somehow not let them know that I'm giggling, but I guess it didn't work since Yoongi hyung looked at me. He didn't just look at me, he also smiled at me! He smiled at me!

I lowered my hand and awkwardly smiled back at him, feeling warm all of a sudden.

Oh god, what's happening to me?

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Sorry for not updating, school's a bitch

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